“A new Climate for Peace”, voluntariado en Italia


October 2017 – 4th April 2018
Eboli, Italy

Sobre el voluntariado en Italia

According to the strategy Europe2020, the project “New Climate for Peace”will focus on searching and implementing sustainable practices in order to prevent and lower the impact of the earth “fever” (global warming). In this regard, it’s worth noting that the location where the project is expected to take place is the Piana del Sele, a territory where environment, nature and agriculture play a role of paramount importance in the growth and wealth of local communities. The project will also address another important issue related to climate changed, that is  “environmental refugees” or “eco-migrants”, mostly young evers of EVS volunteers, forced to leave their countries as a result of environmental disasters (connected climate change and rising temperatures). Climate changes and migration: the link is stronger than we think. At the base of migratory flows, in fact, there are not only wars, but also environmental disasters, events that force millions of people to leave their homes and their places of origin.
Legambiente Italia will develop its partnership with three sending organizations (from Turkey, Greece and Spain) well known for operating in territories where the environment is a key sector of development and growth.
The project is basically aimed to develop in its young volunteers a comprehensive and conscious overview of environmental issues, particularly underlining the elements that could put in danger the life of local communities and, on a higher scale, cause further damages to the whole global ecosystem.
Therefore, even though the activities will be principally linked to agriculture and  environment in all its forms, another goal of our project is promoting in young Europeans a better understanding of sustainable development issue, simultaneously straightening their sense of belonging to Europe and its core values. At the same we will try to include migrants in the area through integration activities because only knowledge of other cultures and countries can prevent prejudice and racism. The young EVS will work alongside the boys awaiting international protection, they will build campaigns and fielding initiatives to raise awareness about the same subject, but above all they will show that it’s possibile thinking and implementing an Europe of people and hospitality.
For these reasons, our three volunteers will be expected to show a genuine interest in environmental issue as well as the willingness to be an active part of EVS experience.but also a great mindedness to new cultures and lifestyles that allow for full inclusion of migrants in the European social context.
All our activities will operate through non – formal education and learning by doing method,  in order to acquire and improve a wide range of soft skills.
Two results are expected: a positive impact on the host community not only with the contribution of improvements to the environmental status, but also with the social integration of migrants and a feedback for our volunteers, which would allow them to profitably put in practice what they learned.
While becoming an increasingly important tool to promote entrepreneurship spirit in younger generations, our project could demonstrate that such voluntary programs could effectively promote and enhance social entrepreneurship and multicultural relationship as well as create job opportunities based not only on the “culture of contracts” but also on the concept of “reciprocity”.

Tareas del voluntariado en Italia

The volunteers will work to our project about 30-35 hours per week , with a pattern of the  activities to carry out, well defined. Once a week, they will attend a meeting , where there will be also the Organisation Team , coordinated by an executive, who will have the role to assign their tasks. During the meeting, the work of the previous week will be evaluated, examining any difficulties and the critical points, and, if they are necessary, corrective actions will be effectuated.The volunteers will participate in the discussion to deal with the duration and the methods of implementing the activities of the following week. Each meeting will provide ,on one hand, a training part of study and elaboration of the issues, and on the other hand, a part aimed at the concrete actions, such as time, schedules, dates and tasks distribution. The places and the intervention themes of the next week will be described subsequently( environmental education, awareness campaigns, etc…). The „weekly calendar of the activities‟ will be prepared, with the indication of the days off, according to the needs and the personal characteristics of the volunteers and consequently the planning requirements of the Association, within the deadlines set for implementation. On the calendar will be also recorded two consecutive days off per week, any rest periods and and / or volunteers‟ holiday (2 days per month of service), the turn of “corvè”.

The initial phase of the project, will provide intensive training on the purposes and activities achieved by the Project, the history and commitment of Legambiente at national and local level, at the local community. In the first period, the volunteers will also attend an intensive language course and cultural training, in order to gain more autonomy and realise peacefully the assigned tasks and achieve the objectives of the project. Training will be provided for the use of small work tools and for the “behaviour” in case of need.

The activities of volunteers, will involve the following actions:

Awareness and information campaigns addressed to the community, school students, to be organized in public places and / or on the occasion of public events, on topics that Legambiente pursues at the national area and in particular on the climate change, critical and conscious consumption , waste reduction, education on civic behaviour. An important phase of training / information, we will be dedicated to the volunteers, to make them self-aware, conscious, actives in the in the preparation phase, through thematic meetings.

Awareness and information campaigns. addressed to the community, school students, to be organized in public places and / or on the occasion of public events, on topics that Legambiente pursues at the national area and in particular on the climate change, critical and conscious consumption , waste reduction, education on civic behaviour. An important phase of training / information, we will be dedicated to the volunteers, to make them self-aware, conscious, actives in the in the preparation phase, through thematic meetings.City Gardens. The EVS volunteers with the members of the association and refuge seekers will implement a plan to bring down as much as possible CO2 during activities in gardens and they will carry out"Eco- Entertainment Centres" of the urban garden through recycling workshops with families and children. In particular they will realize "Eco-Path for integration" with asylum seekers and they will start cultivation activities of an quot;intercultural and peace garden".There will be convivial moments and sharing of diversity, with meals and multiethnic music, construction and equipment of shared spaces. With the help of local art institutions EVS will contribute to the realization of a street art gallery outdoors at the city gardens.

Badia, Library and garden. Young EVS volunteers, accompanied by the group “Salvalarte”, will protect the artistic heritage, continuing the work of a real “operation” of a library reorganization.

Furthermore in this structure they will be engaged in activities organized in collaboration with the “Franciscan Community”, as the census of the trees and the protection of those monumental, the harvest, the olive harvest and the placement and food distribution for families with economic hardships. The group Salvalarte of Legambiente deals campaigns relating to the protection of artistic and cultural heritage of our city. In the project the volunteers will work together with the group “Salvalarte” participating in the construction of initiatives and campaigns. In the project the volunteers will work together with the group “Salvalarte” participating in the construction of initiatives and campaigns. Volunteers will work to protect those assets considered “minor”. The project involves the reorganization and arrangement of the Library of the Convent of the Capuchin Fathers of Eboli (shuffle operation). It is also provided the recovery of the Church of Santa Maria of Loreto and the surrounding area. The church is full of paintings of the XVI-XVII century.

The volunteers will work also to the gardens of the Convent of the Capuchin and in the eco-area of the Church of Our Lady of Loreto. Protected dune Area. It‟s a large beautiful green area near the sea which has been entrusted to the association for more than 10 years. Sve volunteers, accompanied by the heads of the Association will provide to perform the maintenance of area, to take a census and protect the presence of Mediterranean plants to collect the seeds of plants in extinction and plant them in a small nursery made on site. The work of the volunteers will be mainly concentrated on a survey on the presence of beach litter to put on a campaign against waste at sea and circular economy. Sustainable- schools. Environmental education courses in primary and secondary schools, young EVS will construct a path on healthy lifestyles and on the possibility of breaking down CO2 beginning from school. They will also organize Pedibus in different urban institutions for mobility with zero impact, educational gardens in courtyards and school gardens and educational courses for high school students on “Migration and Climate Change”; and “voluntary work and young people”.

“Other Animals” Group and Dog and house sitter- Group. Young volunteers will organize information campaigns to make the local community aware of the issue of stray dogs, dogs and cats abandonment, use of small shovels and bags for collecting dog waste and information campaigns about adoption and sterilization. They will collect food for the strays, they will promote their adoption and they will be their dogsitters. The volunteers, after their arrival, will receive news and informations on the issue of stray dogs, on the abandonment of the affection of the dogs, and on the activities that the Association intends to promote in the territory , both for combatting the problem and to take care for abandoned dogs and struck down by various accidents, which need attention. The volunteers will implement, in collaboration with members of Legambiente, informative campaigns to sensitize the local community on the issue of stray dogs ‘abandonment of affection, use of pallets and bags for collecting dog faeces and informative campaigns on the adoption and sterilization. It’s probable that in a short period, waiting for dog’s and cat’s will be adoption, their can be accommodated at Legambiente’s house. National Campaigns. Young Sve will also be engaged in the famous national Legambiente campaigns (Tree Festival, Clean Beaches, Clean Up the World, Green Train, Festambiente Agriculture, etc. ..).

Local Green Observatory. EVS volunteers will promote urban green care and meetings with policymakers to emphasize the importance of “green sites” as social spaces and as “lungs” needed to break C02.

Meetings with local institutions and associations for the dissemination of the project and the promotion of the Erasmus plus program.

Presentation and diffusion of “Manifesto for self-production energy”. The EVS volunteers will give us an important contribution comparing laws on energy self-production in Spain, Turkey and Greece. All activities are agreed with the partner associations. Non-formal education will be used so that the volunteer will be able to acquire soft skills through practical activities.

Participation in social and cultural life. Meetings with other associations and institutional meetings. Active citizenship. The project will include meetings and training events with the Legambiente at regional and national level , with local groups of Legambiente, in particular with the Circolo Paestum Freewheeling and other voluntary associations in the province of Salerno. The volunteers will participate in these meetings to take the lead in the constructionof paths, common and shared actions about themes of active community, struggling the exclusion, respecting diversity, promoting sustainable ecotourism. Moreover, they will attend to institutional meetings on issues of conservation and environmental protection at the town of Eboli and at the institutional seatings of the Parks and Regional Reserves. They will also receive appropriate language training, structured in an intense way in the first phase of the project.

All activities are agreed with the partner associations. Non-formal education will be used so that the volunteer will be able to acquire soft skills through practical activities.

How to apply

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed) from Building Bridges

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Italy Eboli. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

  • camino
    20 marzo, 2017 at 11:21 am

    hola, ¿estoy a tiempo?

  • Yes Europa
    20 marzo, 2017 at 11:38 am

    hola, en este si, hay un candidato preseleccionado pero todavía no confirmado

  • Angie Rodriguez
    30 agosto, 2017 at 5:21 am

    Buenas noches, quisiera saber si mas adelante se va abrir nuevamente la convocatoria para el voluntariado?

  • Tania
    22 septiembre, 2017 at 2:10 pm

    Hola, no me queda muy claro cuales serían las funciones. ¿Este voluntariado consistiría en dar charlas y formar a la gente sobre el tema del medioambiente? ¿O tendría un aspecto más práctico en la conservación? Gracias

  • Yes Europa
    22 septiembre, 2017 at 5:03 pm

    Hola Tania, de momento la información es la que tenemos aquí disponible, pero este SVE ya ha sido ocupado. Escríbenos a asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com para enviarte plazas. suerte!

  • Gonzalo Lopez Rodriguez
    26 septiembre, 2017 at 3:45 pm

    Hola me gustaria que me ayudaran un poco quiero hacer un voluntariado, pero no se como funciona

  • Yes Europa
    26 septiembre, 2017 at 8:13 pm

    Hola Gonzalo tienes que enviarnos los documentos que se solicitan a la dirección e-mail que ponemos, para más info general sobre lo que es el SVE, mira nuestro apartado de información, suerte!

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