2 becas Alemania para enseñarte técnicas de empleabilidad


2 Becas Alemania para participar en un curso Erasmus+ para aprender técnicas de empleabilidad.

Estas son las condiciones de Participación en becas Erasmus Alemania. También puedes ver las becas voluntariado europeo en Alemania.

Fechas de las becas Alemania

Probably the training course will be in February , latest in march.

Descripción de las becas Alemania


A training course on employability and entgagement of young people for youth workers and leaders Today , each society faces a variety of challenges as stabilty, economical and political, conflicts, discrimination , unemployment etc. Also the migrants crises affects each country, more or less, from the Arabic countries over the Caucasus and the Balkan till the West Europe. In the middle of all this happenings stand a generation called youth that struggle with the consequences of the dynamics today. The youth is a group, on one side as potential of the future and on the other fighter of today.


The most of the young people live in the modern globalised times, where they own one of the most powerfull tool- the internet. Even the globalisation helps a lot in connecting people, mobility of people and goods also brings the high unemployment with it. However, the internet became basic need and it can serve to the people , especially the youth to manage with different things, from raising awarness, over promotion different values till self- development and emlpoyability.

Affected by all this , the young people have the chance to work on themselves and exactly this point is the base of the project described down.

The project A parachute works only if you dare to jump" intents to encourage youth not to wait passively for employment possibilities and not to depend on anybody else, but to actively promote themselves and to start their own working position. Therefore, they can positively contribute to themselves, their local society and to the European future as well as to create a network of international cooperation. This project is developed around the idea of young people actively participating in the learning process on the current topic of unemployment and employability, which concerns the young people in Europe, in the Balkan region as well as in the Caucasus and the Middle East. The project will encourage youth to activly seek to understand their place and role in the present day in Europe and beoyond, and to use the chance of influencing society.


The participants will have a possibility to compare the situations in their own countries, to share ideas and experiences regarding the topic of employability, with the main point :

EMPLOYABILITY ONLINE, to discuss and to reflect on them. With this, they can define their common values and find a common ground for developing an idea into a business.

The activities within the project will stimulate cooperation between the participants, will provide them with the tools for communication and promotion, so they can improve their presentasion skills, activities, work, career and final products. This can result with better promotion of the topic of unemployment and employability, the tools and the methods learned or created and can help directly influence and stimulate the other youth being actively involved in the field of youth work.

Los objetivos de las becas Alemania son:

– exploring the topic "employment" and defining the main employability issues that the young people face

– exchange of experiences and succesfull stories

– exploring the internet possibilities and offers for working ONLINE

-encouraging youth in developing ideas ONLINE

– inclusion of migrants, refugees, LGBT and other excluded groups into the employability process

– Erasmus+ possibilities for self development

The main point is to explain the ICE concept-to get it closer to the participants, to clear it out and to connect it with the power of creativity and the innovative approaches. This will lead them to improve their self-image and confidence, to turn ideas into action, to overcome obstacles, skepticism or fear of failure.

From the researches done by us and all of the partners in the project, the unemployment among young people gets serious dimensions in all the respective societies. The idea came from the fact that all partner countries are facing economical crisis and high rate of youth unemployment, as well as number of vulnerable groups of people as migrants, refugees , LGBT and other people facing the process of exclusion and haveing the need of inclusion and employment possibilities.

This project will stimulate the youth workers to influence the young people to take active part in using all of the opportunities that society offers them. The online possibilities give the chance to the youth to explore, to develop their ideas and to turn into their own bussinesses.

In this training we would like to highlight also the process of inclusion of people from the vulnerable groups, to motivate them and to encourage them to work actively on their future. We will invite participants from different groups to take part in the project.

The Erasmus+ program offers a variety of possibilities for the young people. We will pay attention and analyse the possibilities by Erasmus+ program and ancourage the youth to use the program actively as well as to promote it among the youth in their societies.

Participating countries: Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Germany, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, Slovakia, Lebanon, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Georgia

Cuantía de las becas Alemania

Accommodation and maintenance covered. Travel budget that you have for the complete travel from the city of your organisation to the venue in Berlin. Just a travel cost up to this amount will be reimbursed. Spain – 275e return ticket

Proceso selección para becas Alemania

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your CV , application form and motivation letter to asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “TC Germany Berlin.YOURNAME.YOUR SURNAME“.. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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  • CrisG
    4 enero, 2017 at 9:43 am


  • Yes Europa
    4 enero, 2017 at 1:37 pm

    Hola, no pasa nada, es un curso y puedes superar los 30 años, te esperamos!

  • nek
    8 enero, 2017 at 11:42 pm

    Hola !
    Estoy muy interesada en este curso, me podríais decir la duración?

  • Yes Europa
    9 enero, 2017 at 6:14 pm

    hola, la duración aún no está definida. en cuanto la tengamos la pondremos. te informamos que sólo queda 1 plaza, ya hay una reservada. suerte!

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