2 becas Erasmus+ para curso sobre activismo digital en Chipre


2 becas Erasmus+ para curso Erasmus+ en Chipre sobre democracia digital, activismo y ciudadanía europea con todos los gastos pagados de transporte, alojamiento y manutención

Project name

HiTech Democrats

The “HI.TE.D” training will be hosted in Larnaca, Cyprus by Citizens In Power from 14/09/2016 until 20/09/2016 in cooperation with partner organizations from Croatia, Italy, Romania, Estonia, Poland, Spain, Germany, Latvia and Slovenia that will be represented by 2 participants each.


14 Wednesday (6:30 pm, starts) – 20 Tuesday (9am, finishes) September 2016


Larnaca, Cyprus


Digital competencies, citizenship, human rights


Deadline to send participation forms 15/06/2016

Deadline to book tickets (hosting organisation need to confirm the flights before participants proceed with the booking): 21/06/2016

About the organizer

Hosting organisation is an independent non profit / nongovernmental organization) that addresses the needs and demands of young people through their involvement in civic life.

CIP’s aims at the development of democratic dialogue and entrepreneurship in Cyprus and abroad.

What we do:

-Work for increasing the employability of young people through entrepreneurship education and practical experience.

-Organize structured dialogues with decision makers

-Support and train members of our local and international networks in numerous ways such as exchange of information, good practices, experiences and ideas.

-Participate in the activities Cyprus Youth Council as members

The Training Course

It is more than evident that nowadays, we are ushering an era of democratic disconnection. Accordingly, there is a widespread concern by EU about the declining engagement of civic life; citizens are less inclined to vote, to join political parties, to campaign for social causes, and finally to trust political processes. Young people in particular, are frequently described as alienated or apathetic.

Hence, the questions have been raised owing to the declining of civic life are multiple and complex. Do the organizations of civil society motivate in a proper way the young people in order to transform them to active citizens? Do they actually use the right tools which correspond to the real and realistic conditions of the ordinary democratic systems?

Having in mind the problems and the real situation, this training will focus on providing answers to the above questions, mainly by forming an action plan whereby each of the organizations involved, will eventually be capable to activate all its members in the processes concerning democratic institutions in all possible means.

Whilst inevitably the internet provides the ability to participate in society online and promotes social inclusion, a special emphasis will be given to the new media society and particularly the Web, as a means of revitalizing civic life and democracy.

Believing that just as the education has promoted democracy and economic growth, the Internet has the potential to benefit society as a whole, one of the main ramifications of the project will be based upon the active citizenship in the digital era. The working method will be based upon non-formal education while the objectives are specially designed in such a way, in order to approach the subject with accuracy and susceptibility. More specifically we have the following intention- targets:

• To equip youth workers with necessary skills and competencies in order to address the democratic disconnect of young people using innovative techniques.

• To identify those digital mediums that motivates young people to actively participate Online.

• To share effective Online tools that the participating organizations are currently being using with the intention to engage young people in democratic processes.

• To develop communication techniques interwoven with the social media society that inspires young people to be active citizens.

• To strengthen the partners cooperation through the Erasmus+ programme, in particular in the field of democratic participation of youth.

 Working Methods and Language


 The training will be based on non-formal education methods, encouraging active participation of young people involved.

 Ice-breakers, energizers, group-building games

 Simulations

 Role plays

 Intercultural and experiential learning

 Brainstorming and discussions both in working groups and in plenary

 Inputs from experts



Eligible Participants

 Youth workers

 Young people interested at the objectives of this project and they are willing to share what they will learn in their respective organizations

 Travel and Finances

Travel expenses are a heavy burden on the budget of this project. Participants are therefore required to arrange their journeys in the most economical manner possible.

In order to find the most economic tickets we advise you to visit Rumbo.


-Larnaca International Airport – has the biggest number of airlines and connections.

Closest to the venue, cheap flights by blue air, wizzair, Aegean airlines and others.

(Prefer Larnaca’s Airport because is close to the venue)

– Paphos Airport (second airport of Cyprus, this should be your second option).

Cheap flights by Ryanair, easy jet and others

Please bear in mind that according to the guidelines of our National Agency the travel dates can be plus or minus 2 days ( the cost for the extra travel dates is not covered, for example accommodation, food and transportation). You can either

a)arrive one day earlier and leave one day later or b)arrive two days earlier and leave on time c)or arrive on time and leave 2 days later d) or arrive on time and leave one day later or e) arrive one day earlier and leave on time.

Irrespective of the means of the transport used, participants will be reimbursed on the basis of the least expensive route between their place of residence and the town in which the course is held.

Please don’t book any tickets before receiving our written confirmation.


ERAMSUS+ Programme, Key Action 1

100% of accommodation and activity costs are covered by the programme

The international travel costs are covered according to the rules of ERAMUS+ YiA KA1


Participants’ travel costs to and from Cyprus per country (including the cost of plane, bus:

Country Total Grant per participant

Spain 360

Please note: eligible airports for landing are the international airport of Larnaca and Paphos

Documents needed to complete your reimbursement:

In order for the course to precede to your travel reimbursement you must present when requested the following documents:

 Invoice or copy of credit card slip of the travel payments.

 Boarding pass (please resist throwing them away in the nearest bin after you leave the plane – you will NOT be refunded without them).

 Travel reimbursement form (which you should collect in the reception on your arrival).

 Relevant tickets or a copy (plane, bus, etc).

For electronic tickets:

 Boarding pass (please resist throwing them away in the nearest bin after you leave the plane – you will NOT be refunded without them).

 Invoice or copy of credit card slip/ e-banking printout.

 Travel reimbursement form (will be provided on the arrival).

 Printed travel itinerary.

 Travel refund to the participants will be paid by bank transfer ( within 45 days) to organizational account/personal account for the whole group after all travel documents will be received by the hosting organisation

 NOTE that NO electronic tickets will be reimbursed if the original invoice is not be provided. The reimbursement will be done via bank transfer within 45 days, after the receipt of all travel documents including boarding passes.



The venue of the training course is Hotel Cactus in Larnaca (6-8 Tyrimou Street)., near McKenzy area, very close to the airport of Larnaca. MacKenzy is actually a beach full of life, café and res-taurants, especially the weekends. More information about the city of Larnaca, here http://www.Larnaca.org.cy/index.php/en/page/home#.Vo4zWfl95D9

cursos erasmus en chipre
cursos erasmus en chipre


The rooms are double ( mostly) or triple, fully equipped with everything you may need. Towels are changed every 2-3 days, bed sheets every 3 days. The rooms are very close to the training venue. We might combine people from different countries in the same room so as all the participants to have the opportunity to get to know each other. Please let us know if you want different arrangement e.t.c.


You are strongly advised to bring your laptop (if you have one) because we will work on freeware and programs that you can use for dissemination of your activities, project management etc. Please try to bring one laptop per country to use it in some of the sessions.


We will have free internet access in the plenary room and in the lobby area but not in the rooms. You can connect with your laptops. There is WI-FI in most areas of the hotel.

Information regarding extra Facilities

The hotel offer free wi-fi in the communal areas.

If you want to have internet in your room ( per room), the cost is as follows

€4 per day

€8 for 3 days or

€16/ for a week

The Hotel can install you a fridge in tour room for 2 Euros per day.

Please contact in advance the hotel if you want to make a booking for your extra stay in Cyprus. Prefer to stay in double or triple rooms because single rooms are very expensive

cursos erasmus+ chipre
cursos erasmus+ chipre


Travel and accident insurance is a responsibility of the participants. You are advised to buy a regular travel and/ or accident insurance during your travel and your whole stay in Cyprus. We advice you Seguros Erasmus, which is one the cheapest ones for this kind of international activities.

Please do not forget to arrange your travel insurance including the responsibility insurance (in case of causing third party damage). Health insurance is not provided by the organizers, the citizens of the European Union are entitled to the European Health Card. All the participants are strongly advised to bring with them the European Health Card, not to be forced, in case of an emergency, to pay the costs of health care in Cyprus.

Participation fee/ cost

Food and accommodation is FREE. There is a participation fee of 40 euros to hosting organisation (and another one for Building Bridges in case you are not a member of their organisation) which the participants are required to pay in cash during the TC. Please, pay special attention to this point as we will not be able to keep this amount from the money you will get back for your travel expenses.

The participation fee among other organizational expenses covers the cost of dinning in a restaurant near the beach. It covers also a trip to another city most probably in Limassol.


The food will be prepared by the hotel.

If you are a vegetarian or you have any allergy problems, please inform us as soon as possible.

Participants might be asked to choose their food for lunch or dinner ( 1-2 times only  or the whole duration of the training) by themselves so they can eat at a restaurant of their choice in the city center. We will announce during the training the reimbursement limit for eating at the city center.


Selection process

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your CV , application form and motivation letter to asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject «TC Cyprus Citizens.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “TC Cyprus Citizens.YOURNAME.YOUR SURNAME“.

[button color=»green2″ link=»https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c-bh53gR4glzZpkuIL1Do7Tj28UiSz2KhcR95niVszo/edit?usp=sharing» size=»bigger»]Application form[/button]

Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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  • raquel
    9 junio, 2016 at 9:04 pm

    Hola, tengo algunas dudas:
    incluye los gastos de transporte? Cuanto se tarda en saber si eres seleccionado? Si no eres seleccionado cuanto tardan en devolverte los 40 euros?

  • yeseuropa
    9 junio, 2016 at 9:54 pm

    Hola! incluye los gastos de transporte hasta el límite que se marca. Si no eres seleccionada se te devuelve en 2-3 días. te esperamos!

  • raquel
    9 junio, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    Muchas Gracias
    Y cuanto se tarda en saber si eres seleccionada para el proyecto?

  • yeseuropa
    9 junio, 2016 at 10:42 pm

    Hola, en 2-3 días lo sabrías. suerte!

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