Voluntariado europeo festivales de Polonia


Disfruta de este voluntariado europeo festivales en Polonia donde te pagan todo para que no te suponga ningún gasto en tu desarrollo personal.

We are looking for two volunteers who will join the Brave Festival team in 2018-2019!

Fechas y lugar

1 October 2018 – 31 July 2019

Wrocław Poland

In Winter time you have to be prepared even for – 20 °C but not always, sometimes can be very warm up to 10 °C, (average between – 4- +3) Spring time temperature fluctuate between +10 / +25 °C. Summer between +15 / + 35 °C.
You will stay over the winter so remember to take some warm clothes with you or ask Family to send it to you after some time. It can be already
pretty cold in October.

WROCLAW GOOD PLACE TO RIDE BIKE! If you ride bike we can help you to buy chip bike on the very big, famous flea market. You can also use the big rental system: https://wroclawskirower.pl/
PLACES TO EAT: cheap and good, mostly with typical polish food all situated around the Market Square, right in the center:

Popular markets in Wroclaw: Biedronka, Żabka, Lidl, Tesco, Carrefour, L’Eclerc.
Hala Targowa (Market Hall, Piaskowa 17, only two blocks from our office) has lots of great fruits and vegetables as well meats, cheeses, and much more.
Natural Foods Markets: Biogo (Szewska 18), Organic Farma Zdrowia (in basement of Renoma Shopping Mall, Świdnicka 40)
There is also a World Food store in the basement of Renoma.
You will receive food money with pocket money 1st of each month. In Oborniki during the workshops food will be provided so in July you will receive less this what we pay at the hotel.—————————————-

Proyecto voluntariado europeo festivales

“EVS Volunteers for Brave Kids 2018” will be developed in Brave Kids. During the time in Brave Kids Project office the volunteer will assist through all stages of preparation, implementation, and evaluation of the Brave Kids 2018.

Brave Kids is a project for international children organized by Song of the Goat Theatre Association. It was launched as part of the Brave Festival in 2009 and has since grown to become an independent initiative. Its mission is to support young people from around the world through artistic experiences which inspire the to imagine a better future for themselves and their communities and provide them with tools to help realize their aspirations. The project nurtures cross-cultural understanding by connecting young people from different countries and backgrounds through shared creative projects.

Children from different countries are invited to meet in Poland and other European cities (last year for the first time in Slovakia and Georgia, this year for the first time in Romania and Ukraine). Here, they work together to create a performance that will join the arts each group practices and the different cultures each group represents. The program consists mainly of artistic workshops based on the method «kids teach kids». Supported by trained facilitators, children teach one another the skills they have developed in lessons, workshops or art classes in their hometown.

These skills can be diverse: traditional music and dance, break dance, circus arts, classical music, acrobatics, etc. Simultaneously to the children’s program,
the international adults who accompany the groups participate in specific actions to promote the networking of people working with children in different contexts. By participating in different activities (such as: integration and networking meetings, public presentations, local events and festivals, etc) the
international team leaders have the chance to exchange their skills and methods, creating a platform for discussion and debate about the different contexts of children throughout the world.

The volunteer will jump right into project implementation after a short period of introductory training. By participating in the project, the volunteer:

-> will become acquainted with both Polish culture and many other world cultures;
-> increase their interpersonal, intercultural and linguistic skills;
-> learn new interesting ways of working with children and people from disadvantaged backgrounds;
-> increase independence and responsibility through confrontation with another culture.

During the project preparation you will:
● Maintain contact with specific artistic groups – collecting necessary paperwork, helping to arrange logistical details;
● Coordinate centralized information management (e.g. arrival and departure Google spreadsheets);
● Create and update documents for project (e.g. invitations, cooperation agreements, etc.);
● Assist in creating schedule of events;
● Participate in weekly staff meetings;
● Create and lead activities for kids during meetings with host families.

During the project you will:
● Support organizers → you can choose a sub-project that interests you most (for example, Leader’s Program, Brave Youth, Brave Kids Artistic Workshops) and focus on supporting the project in this way;

Participate in regular operational meetings;
● Contribute to blog and social media;
● Present about EVS to Group Leaders.
After the project you will:
● Support evaluation efforts by:
○ Assisting with analysis of surveys;
○ Contributing to project report with information about individual projects they supported;
○ Compiling photos from project on central server;

In addition, there is space for you to develop your own projects, according to your interests.

A Typical Day in the Office

Office hours for volunteers are 10am to 4pm. The volunteer’s tasks will vary from day to day depending on the project’s needs and volunteer interests so there really is no typical day! For instance, one day the volunteer might spend several hours in the morning sending reminder e-mails to different groups from whom we need certain documents or information (we send a lot of e-mails!). Or maybe they will work on a
post for the Brave Kids blog.

The volunteer may take a lunch break when it works best with their work progress (it’s a good idea to check in with any project staff with whom you are working on a task just to let them know that you are taking lunch). The volunteer can choose to bring their own lunch or go get lunch at one of the restaurants nearby. In general, we do try to keep our lunch breaks short since our work hours are abbreviated.

In the afternoon, the volunteer may spend time working on any number of other projects: managing social media, updating content on the website, producing promotional materials or documents, or working on an independent project of their own design. Some evenings or weekends, there may be additional meetings or promotional events in which the volunteer will participate. For example, we hold trainings and meetings with host families, and the volunteer may be asked to organize a workshop or activity for host family children during this time. These extra hours can be made up with additional time off on a case-by-case basis.
Once a week (more often in the weeks leading up to the Festival itself), the project staff and volunteers will have an operational meeting (“operatywka” in Polish) to discuss progress on various tasks. Each volunteer will also have a weekly check-in with their tutor to check in on how their work is going, clear up any questions, and set goals for the next week.

In addition, during the time of the festival itself when kids are here and there are many activities taking place –the volunteers may have more work hours due to the demand of the project. During the festival, the volunteers may also choose where they would like to focus their energies in consultation with project staff.


We are looking for two people who are interested in the fields of arts and culture from all over the world. Interest in work with local communities, otganization of small events, promotional work will be also very valuable for many other dimentions of the Brave Festival. Next year edition topic will touch the India, their cultures, traditions and arts, so the interest in that topic is very welcome. In our office main language is English as we work in the international team, so good English skills are crucial. Other languages will be an asset as well. We look for the person above 23 years old.

Alojamiento voluntariado europeo festivales:

The volunteer will live in Wrocław, sharing room with other volunteer. The food and transport will be covered from Erasmus+. Wrocław itself is an amazing city full of cultural events, cinemas, theatres, nice restaurants and full of young, open-minded, active people. We will help you to discover Wrocław so you could feel the same positive vibes as we do in here.


We will teach you how to:
– make a reaserch to the festival
– organize events
– work with local community
– use a database we already have
– communicate with artistic groups from all over the world
– deal with logistics, technical staff, etc.
– develop social media, PR and marketing strategies

and more!

Cómo solicitar este voluntariado europeo festivales

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

– Application form (signed)

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Festival Brave Anna. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com


Otras oportunidades

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  • Claudia Rodríguez Santamarta
    6 agosto, 2016 at 9:45 am

    Which dates?

  • Yes Europa
    7 agosto, 2016 at 6:41 pm

    Hola, perdona, se nos pasaron las fechas! 01/03/2017 To:30/09/2017

  • Claudia Rodríguez Santamarta
    8 agosto, 2016 at 9:07 am

    Muchas gracias!!!

  • soledad
    25 junio, 2018 at 5:53 pm

    Hello is still open?

  • admin
    25 junio, 2018 at 10:17 pm

    Hola, no lo sentimos! pero tienes esta otra : https://yeseuropa.org/voluntariado-polonia-cultura/
    si no, contáctanos y te enviamos plazas!

  • Marina
    21 agosto, 2018 at 7:02 pm


    ¿Vuelve a estar abierta esta oferta?

    Gracias y un saludo,

  • admin
    21 agosto, 2018 at 8:23 pm

    hola si! solicítalo cuanto antes!

  • Irene
    19 septiembre, 2018 at 5:07 pm

    Hola! He visto esta oferta en vuestro Facebook, y me gustaría saber si sigue abierta y en caso que sí, en qué fechas se realizará. Gracias!

  • admin
    19 septiembre, 2018 at 5:16 pm

    lo sentimos está cerrada , pero tienes más en : https://yeseuropa.org/course-category/plazas-cuerpo-europeo-solidaridad/

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