Becas en Rumanía para luchar contra la intolerancia y la xenofobia


Participa en estas becas en Rumanía en octubre para intercambios Erasmus+ para jóvenes que quieran aprender sobre interculturalidad y juventud con las becas Erasmus+ con todos los gastos pagados.

Tienes más becas Erasmus en Rumanía a tu disposición en nuestra web.

Fechas y lugar de las becas en Rumanía

Activities: 13 th – 22 th of September 2018 (travel days included)
Location: Craiova, Dolj County, ROMANIA
Theme: Multiculturality, youth, volunteering
Work language: English
Countries: 6: Romania, Spain, Turkey, Italy, France, Georgia
Participants: 5 participants +1 leader per each country
Participants age: 18-30 (apart from the leader who can be over 30)

Resumen proyecto de las becas en Rumanía

Nowadays interculturality is part of our everyday life and work. People who work with young people face with several challenges to be in a situation which is based on cultural background and they don’t know how to react or don’t understand why they react how they react.

Ambiguity is everywhere, among young people and between young person and youth worker. It is essential nowadays to develop and improve our intercultural competence with emphasis on intercultural sensitiveness because we don’t have to travel to an other country to face with different culture, different cultures come to us, different cultures are around us, we work in multicultural teams all the time.

That is a really positive change nevertheless we have to learn to handle our fears and learn to understand, tolerate and accept each other and to learn to live together. Youth have to be prepared for that and provide support for peers and familiy/friends they live/work with to become interculturally sensitive for each other and go through the phases of intercultural sensitiveness and understand their and others’ reactions. Milton J. Bennett made a fantastic theory called Developmental model of intercultural sensitiveness which can be used in
youth work and put it in practice in everyday lives and work/job/employment of youth.

The academic model can be adapted to youth work activities which gives opportunity for youth leaders and volunteers to support other young people to understand each other and improve their abilities to function together even when they represent a Muslim and a Jewish family, for exemple.

The overall aim of the project is to offer youth leaders and young people a hands on approach on the use the Milton J. Bennett model in their daily work and lives in order to improve their intercultural competence which will facilitate them an easy access on the European job market, to live/work with different target groups e.g. minorities, immigrants, Roma young people, etc.

The 8 phases of the model will be understood by youth and they will share opinions about how they can support other young people from different cultural background to reach a certain phase or go forward to the next phase in local level. Then the paxes will invent new youth projects e.g. youth exchanges, EVS and trainings in order to improve intercultural competences of young people in European level according to the proposals of Erasmus + targetting interculturality and employment.

Learning objectives of the project are:

Getting acquainted with the theory of Milton J. Bennett: Developmental model of intercultural sensitiveness; Develop and improve intercultural competence through the model as recognising phases of the model: Ambiguity; Getting to know other culture; Understand other culture; Tolerance of differences; Acceptance of differences; Appreciation of diversity; Adaptation; Ability to function in other culture; How this theory can be used in practice in the daily lives and work of youth leaders and young people ( especially youth with fewer opportunities that can improve their competencies for the job market as well); Invent new Key Action 1 Mobility projects for young people and youth leaders as youth exchanges on intercultural sensitiveness that facilitates access on the European job market according to the proposals of Erasmus + Programme; promote cooperation and tolerance among youth with different cultural backgroungs by interaction with each other and the local community.

[button color=»purple» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-busy»]Timetable of activities[/button]

Learning outcomes:

Talking about the competencies participants will gain by being involved in the activities, we will refer to concrete and real knowledge about the European values and principles.

They will also be empowered to use different types of games and non – formal activities both for their personal use, but also with other groups. They will gain analytical thinking skills and be able to more easily express their opinion in front of other people. By the end of the project, youngsters will become more tolerant towards other cultures and countries, they will be more open to new collaboration and will be motivated to act as factors of change in their communities, becoming active European citizens.

So, the competencies to be referred are: better understanding of intercultural sensitivity; improved communication & intercultural & conflict management skills; skill to write an attractive proposal for youth projects under the Erasmus+ program; how to present and "sell" oneself at an interview; consolidated self evaluation skills; open attitude and raised awareness towards self improvement and personal growth; tolerance towards other cultures and countries.

[button color=»purple» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-compass»]Sessions[/button]


Each person will have the possibility to write down in his "learning diary" (a booklet created by SALTO and adapted with guidelines for YE's) his learning taking also into consideration the 8 key competencies of the youthpass. At the begining of the activities we will explain to everybody what the youthpass is and will have a session on its functionality. We will emphasize the fact that this certificate is filled by all the parties involved in the activities and is also their risponsibility to be conscious of the knowledge, skills and attitudes the project will bring in them.

The youthpass information paxes will give us will also constitute their own personal viewpoint on the project quality and will give us, the project team, real feedback on our project.


The hosting organization does not cover travel and health insurance. Each participant should have valid health insurance (for example European Health Card) and travel insurance during the whole participantion in the project.
Also, you should have during the exchange travel documents: identity card / passport.

We reccommend you to hire

Noche intercultural

Each national group has an evening to present their country, culture, customes and traditions to all participants.
You can bring food, drinks, songs and other traditional things specific to your country. We want the presentations to be as creative and interactive as possible, of course the presentation is at your choice.

Reembolso becas en Rumanía

Costs transport covered: Spain- 360 Euros

All your principal costs during the training are taken in charge by the Erasmus + program (food, accommodation, training, etc.). About the travel cost from your home to our place, Erasmus+ program is taking a part of the cost. You can do a simulation on this website:

You have to buy your tickets and the reimbursement will be done a month or two after the end of the activities. Taxis will not be reimbursed.

We need your travel documents (boarding pass, tickets, invoices) to be able to reimburse you, so MAKE SURE YOU KEEP ALL YOUR TICKET RECEIPTS!

The reimbursements will be proceeded by bank transfer after the exchange upon sending all travel documents and international bank details. Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon full attendance of the project and presentation of the original travel tickets with boarding passes, receipts, invoices.

Reimbursement will be done in EURO, regardless of the currency indicated on the ticket and receipt/invoice. Any tickets purchased in a local currency other than EUR0, will then be converted and calculated according to the exchange rate of the month when the ticket/s were purchased, as stated in the official European Commission web-site.

If you wish to travel on other dates than the dates of the exchange, please take contact with the organizers before purchasing your tickets! Please plan your trip carefully.

Early arrivals or late departures will be the own responsibility of the participants.

According to the NA the arrival and travel back must be realized by participants within maximum of 2 days. In case of longer stays or indirect travel (holiday travel, etc) there is no chance of reimbursement. Also, if you want to stay one or two days longer, before or after the training course, we will not be able to host you at the training course’s location and you will have to find a place to stay at your own. If you have difficulties with it, contact us. Please note that the organizers will not provide any additional accommodation outside the dates of the exchange!

Coordinator organization will transfer travel expenses to your sending organization and they are the ones who will give you your travel expenses back. Travel expenses will be reimbursed the latest one month after the submission of the final report and to get them you will have to do all participants tasks, including ones before and after mobility as stated under participants’ tasks .Every participant is obligated to actively participate in all activities. In a case of missing out more than 10% of activities participants travel expenses won’t be reimbursed and participant is risking getting expelled from the project and sent back home on their own expenses.

Perfil participantes de las becas en Rumanía

Participants must prepare a presentation of the sending organization. So bring with you material about your organization (brochures, flyers, etc.). For the project, each national group should prepare a brief research about the situation of the hate speech in own county, especially how it manifests itself and how frequently, who it affected the most and about the stereotypes in own country. Be creative, you will present these information to all participants. Also, each national group will have a day to lead the energizers. We are expecting funny and enjoyable energizers!

Viaje y alojamiento

Arrival: The participants will arrive at one of the airports in Bucharest (there are also possibilities for participants to arrive directly at the airport in Craiova). From the airport in Bucharest, you need to take bus 780 in the direction Gara de NORD = North Train Station (the bus has a stop in front of the airport – please check at the information desk). The schedule of the bus is between 5:00 – 23:00, the exact hours are to be found at the following link

At the station, you will acquire a ticket for the route Bucuresti – Craiova. The price for a ticket for a one way route is 65 lei. The schedule of the trains on the route Bucuresti – Craiova can be found at the following link
There are also 2 private trains running at half price, but go only at 9 and 17 from Bucharest.

We will wait for you at the train station in Craiova, ATTN: YOUR ARRIVAL DAY IS 13.09.2018 AND THE LATEST ARRIVAL HOUR SHOULD BE 18/19:00.

Our NA is pretty rigid regarding this matter. So make sure when you plan your trip that is better to arrive earlier than not make it on the specific date.

Accommodation: The participants will be accommodated in a youth hostel or a student dorm close to where they will also have their meals. The paxes will share 3-4 beds rooms. The hostel/dorm is located 20 minutes away by foot from the city centre and belongs to the University of Craiova.

Running hot and cold water and is available, as well as bed linen. You are requested to bring towels and personal hygiene items.

The accommodation is still subject to change. We will let you know in advance.

Qué debes llevar

Practical clothes for different weather forecasts: cool, rain or sunny weather. Comfortable shoes for walking;
● Personal hygiene things, medicine you usually take, other things you need for personal comfort and well-being;
● Pocket money for personal expenses. Romania’s national currency is the Romanian leu- RON. Our recommendation is to have your euro with you, currency exchange will be easier and more advantageous;
● Brochures and other materials about your organization;
● Traditional food specific to your gastronomy and something specific to your country.

Certificado becas en Rumanía

All participants will be able to get a Youthpass certificate after the project.

Youthpass is a part of the European Commission recognition of non-formal learning. It confirms the participation in the training course emphasizing the learning process and individual reflection about new competences that the participants gained during the project. The participants have the possibility to describe what they have done in the project and which skills and competences they have acquired.

Reembolso becas en Rumanía

The reimbursement of the travel cost will be made upon presentation of ALL transport documents (receipts, bill, fiscal documents, boarding passes – round trip, etc). The maximum amounts to be reimbursed are the ones listed in the table. We will reimburse the travel costs for the YE on the basis of the cheapest possibilities, e.g. second class railway tickets, APEX- flights etc. by bank transfer after the YE and the receipt of complete and original tickets, bills, receipts, boarding cards , etc.

360€ travel from SPAIN

1. Any costs for taxi are not eligible (exceptions possible after consultancy)!
2. Following the guide lines of the Erasmus+ programme the travel must be realised by the participants on direct way within maximum 2 days. In case of longer stays or indirect travelling (holiday travel etc.) there is no reimbursement of travel costs!

3. The reimbursement of travel costs will happen not before ALL participants will have sent there complete travel documents as described above.
4. Missing tickets will not be reimbursed. Any faked tickets/documents will not be reimbursed.
5. After the YE, please send us back all your complete travel documents in ORIGINAL by post mail as well as your bank account information (computer printed version including name of account holder, name of the bank, IBAN code, SWIFT code) until the 15th of October 2018

Proceso selección para las becas en Rumanía

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «YE Romania Carmen CRV.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

[button color=»orange2″ link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application Form YesEuropa[/button]

[button color=»purple» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pen»]Participants agreement[/button]

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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