Se buscan voluntarios europeos para proyecto cultural en Rumanía


Te facilitamos una oferta de Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Arad (Rumanía) para trabajar en actividades culturales a partir de 2015.


15 August 2015 – 15 May 2016


Name: EUreka
Duration of the stage: 10 months
Arrival of Volunteers: August 2015
Number of total volunteers: 9
Countries involved: 3
Host community: ARAD – ROMANIA

Profile of the volunteer:

– Between 17 and 30 years old
– With a string motivation towards the projects activities
– Wiling to organize the projects activities and bringing added value to the service
– Showing initiative in implementing the projects activities as well as own initiatives

Pre-selection will be organized by Building Bridges, the CV and Motivation letter of the best  candidates they will propose to the Coordinating Organization who will also have an interview with the volunteers and make the final selection.

Hello dear volunteers!

We are starting this mini book by wishing you WELCOME TO ROMANIA!!!
We know very well that leaving your home and coming in a foreign country, especially for a long  period of time, it’s a difficult thing to do. But we understand also, that each one of you was well aware of  these things and you thought very well before you said YES and accepted to be an EVS volunteer.
We want to congratulate you for making this decision and we want to ensure you that you WON’T  REGRET IT. We are here for you to, to make you feel like home and to make your staying here as pleasant as it can be. All that we want is to create here a big family and your role is essential in doing this.

This project is going to be a challenge for both of us, for you as volunteers working to complete the  assignments assumed in it and for us as a hosting organization responsible with you.  For the period of your staying here we want to make sure that you have everything that you need
and for this thing we are asking you to communicate with us, let us know what are the problems that you  are confronting with your fears and your expectations. Be sincere and don’t be afraid to let us know whatever your problems might be. Together we can find solutions for everything.
The project has a lot of challenging tasks that you are going to do. BE SERIOUS AND HARD WORKING to complete them and we promise you that together we are going to have a once in a lifetime  experience. We know that you joined the project because you want to get new abilities, to make new friends, to learn more things about other cultures and many other things but most of all TO HAVE FUN.
Working together we are going to achieve all of this and more other.

THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, BE OPEN-MINDED and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Positive attitudes in EVS

The volunteer should take an active role in setting up her/his EVS project together with the promoters,  and this should be encouraged by the Sending, Host and Coordinating Organization.
The volunteer must respect the rules and the organizational structure of the Host Organization. The volunteer must also abide by the laws in force in the host country. The volunteer must keep the Host Organization informed about her/his whereabouts during the period of service. While abroad, the volunteer should give the Sending Organization regular feedback on her/his experience and must  evaluate the overall project with the Sending Organization upon her/his return.



EUreka’ is a youth project developed within the frame of Erasmus+ Programme/Key Action 1. It implies the organization of a transnational voluntary service of 10 months, based in Arad, Romania, and addressed to 9 EVS Volunteers from Spain, Jordan, and Italy. Throughout their stay in the host community the EVS volunteers will carry out non formal activities aiming to promote children’s rights,civic engagement and socio educational development( especially nonviolence education ) among a clearly defined target group :children aged 6-15 years from primary schools and care centers from Arad.
The project focuses on the following activities and methods:
-Creative workshop: the manufacture of puppets/masks/costumes.
– Puppet/mask/shadows theatre/performances witch promote nonviolence and children’s rights.
– Dance workshops (group/pair).
– Workshops for introducing the concept of “ local initiative” and the action behind it to children
– Raising awareness campaign to prevent violence against/among minors.
– Non-formal journalistic activities: photo-video reports ,articles, etc.
-The window of EVS volunteer: “PERSONAL INITIATIVE”. This type of activity includes all the personal
and original ideas of activities who comes from you and who are not included in the set of activities of
this project.
– DEOR events and activities: Facebook page of the project where you will promote Erasmus +
Programme and project activities; During the Arad Days event organized by the municipality you will have a stand and through two big puppets created by you, will promote ERASMUS+; one flash-mob together with other 15 people from Arad; participation to a TV show as a part of your campaign; 2 puppet theatre shows which will include at least 25 persons/event including participants and spectators; one
exhibition of masks and pictures hosted by one of our partners; at the end of your stage will be organized  in the city Nădlac a one day event which will reflect all the activities that you have made during the stage.

We will engage the 9 EVS volunteers in a structured learning process assisted with guidance and support measures in order to facilitate the development of those key competences that will help them attain an independent lifestyle.


Working hours:

The volunteers will work approx. 5-7 hours/day, 5 days/week (Saturday and Sunday are free except the cases of weekend activities but the volunteers will receive free days in compensation during the week).

Also, each EVS volunteer will have 2 free days/ month, but the free days shouldn’t interfere with different events.
The working hours as well include the hours of work with youngsters and also the preparation hours of  the activities.

The Mentor:

Each volunteer will have a mentor, which will be available for his needs. The mentor will organize  meeting with all volunteers he is in charge of and as well he will be available for single sessions in case  the volunteer asks for this. The mentor will organize several activities with the volunteers which will help  them: reflect about the learning outcomes of the stage, to realize the things learned during the project, to  overcome barriers, to integrate better in the local community etc.
Also the mentor may ask for reports of reflection groups that will teach the volunteers to organize  between themselves.

The local facilitator:

The activity facilitator will help the volunteer organize his time properly and will oversee all the  volunteers activities. He will divide the volunteers in working groups, will organize weekly meetings to  discuss activities and plans of volunteers, will accompany the volunteers for the 1st times at the activity  places and will offer support them where it is needed.
The facilitator as well will overview thwhole activity of the volunteers and will ask them for their  activity reports. He will most of time with the volunteers from the whole group.

The language classes:

Volunteers will participate to language classes over the whole period of stage. The classes will be  organized once a week most probably in groups, as you are a lot of students. Each volunteer will receive a  language written special course. The course is specially written for EVS volunteers who are having a long  stage in Romania.

The hosting place:

There will be 2-3 persons/room; depends on how big the room in which you will be hosted is.
You will be hosted in rented appartments where you will have access to bathrooms (common bathroom and  showers/floor), kitchen (1 kitchen fully equipped) and other utilities like laundry room.

The hosting place will be in the city of Arad, close to public transportation or even the activity place. Some strict rules regarding over night sleeping will have to be followed as well as for pets, as usually  owners who rent places do not allow them.
The facilitator together with the mentor will establish some common daily life rules to help the  volunteers live and share common things. This will help especially the volunteers who for the first time  are away from home or did not live together with other persons before.


The office:

Volunteers will have an office for their own, which we will try to arrange near to the dormitory or at least to the working places.
In the office there will be the working place of the volunteers where they will have internet access, some
computers which they will have to share for working, checking e-mail, writing reports and preparing
their next activity. Also in the office they will have some necessary material like paper, colors, pens etc.
Meetings with the mentor, the local facilitator and as well Romania classes will be held in the office. Due
to the fact that you are 9 volunteer you will have to share one office, most probably we will establish a
schedule for you to use the office so in this case it will be not crowded.

Food & Allowance:

The volunteers will receive a monthly food allowance and they can either buy food, either cook for
themselves. The monthly food allowance will be 100 Euro – paid at the 1st of each stage month in case it is
a working day and as well 60 Euro allowance. Together this amount in RON (Romanian currency)
represents the minimum salary in Romania. All of our previous volunteers received the same amount of
money and they managed very well.

Local transportation:

In case the accommodation will be more than 25 minutes by walk from the working place of volunteers,
the hosting organization will provide a monthly ticket for the public transportation.


Our city ARAD:

Did you know that Arad is situated in the Western part of Romania, 50 km far from Hungarian border? Did you know that is the 12th bigger city from Romania, with around 200.000 citizens? But did you know this? Mureş is the river that crosses Arad and it’s the second biggest river from  Romania (after the Danube, of course) and we have a wonderful fortress here and in the past Arad was
called “little Vienna” because the architecture from the center of the 2 cities were quite similar.


How to apply?

Please send your CV and motivation letter to «» with subject «EVS Romania EUReka». Please make sure you write on the motivation letter that your sending organisation is Building Bridges.

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