Becas Erasmus Bruselas para curso sobre activismo juvenil


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23-30 August


Brussels, Belgium


3 participants from Building Bridges Association.

The general criteria for selection are:

○ Working directly with young people on a regular basis (professional or volunteer);

 Working in an urban environment;

 Interest in working with bottom-up citizens actions with the aim of influencing youth policy;

 Motivated to take part in the whole project;

 Able and motivated to implement a local action after the project

Course description:

Politics is making lots of concrete decisions that impact our lives on a daily basis. Decisions about mobility, funding for social and/or youth work, environment, construction of parks, roads and bridges, etc. We, as citizens, often have little to say about this. We believe that citizens should have a voice about decisions that affect their lives. A great of giving your opinion are bottom-up citizens initiatives. Creative actions supported by a large community can influence policy directly and give people a voice. This project wants give the opportunity to youth organizations to learn how they can support citizens actions with young people. ATTENTION: this is a training course and not a youth exchange. The focus of the project is on learning and not on visiting Brussels or entertainment!

horario curso formacion belgica


Provide youth workers with the competences to set up actions with young people in order to achieve more citizen participation in policy making in an urban environment.


 Learn about active participation in order to influence policy making;

 Discuss how youth can be involved in policy making through citizen initiatives;

 Discuss how bottom-up activities work in different countries;

 Visit good practices aiming at influencing policy making;

 Learn how to set up successful citizens initiatives;

 Develop and Implement actions aimed at influencing policy;

 Make an action plan for local actions when returning to their own reality.

Accommodation, meal and transportation

The accommodation and meal costs are 100% supported by the applicant organization, and the transportation is supported under the rules of Erasmus+ Programme.

Travel costs

All traveling, accommodation, catering costs are covered by the Erasmus + Programme. For other expenses (souvenirs, extra food, skiing arena, aqua park etc) each participant should bring money as much as he/she thinks will be needed.

The necessary documents:

● All the original flight/rail/bus tickets and bookings with numbers and price.

● All the original boarding passes; in case of electronic registration the printouts.

● If the payment was via bank wire: ○ The original invoice, signed and stamped by the issuing company. The invoice must have the number, issuer requisites, payer requisites, date, ticket or booking number and travel dates.

○ The bank payment order, stamped and signed by the bank. The payment order must have the invoice number and travel destination.

● If the payment was by card: ○ The bank statement with the relevant card transaction, signed and stamped by the bank.

● The participants should travel to the airports or rail/bus stations using the public transport.

○ Only separate tickets together with the receipts are accepted for reimbursement. E.g. we can’t accept receipts for topping up the permanent transportation card balance.

○ Taxis should be used only if there’s no public transport available or it’s more expensive.

● It is very important to present each document. Failure to do so may result in our inability to reimburse the travel expenses.

● The project doesn’t allow covering travel insurance, yet the participants must present the insurance document for safety reasons.


7 july 2015 12:00 CET


The participants are responsible to make their own insurance covering them for the whole duration of the training. However, we reccommend to book from

Organization fee

 This project has received funding under the Erasmus + Programme. Thanks to the support participants will only pay the participation fee of €30 apart from the fee for sending organisation Building Bridges.

All other expenses (travel, lodging, food and activities) are covered by the hosting organisation as long as you stay within the given budget. Further detailed information will be provided after the selection process.


• Please prepare short presentation about your sending organization. We are just curious what you actually do.

• Each of you must bring good/bad cases about youth activism in youth work. This will be needed for workshops.

Selection process

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to with subject «TC Brussels Activism«. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “Brussels Activism“.

Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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