Becas Grecia para cursos verano sobre uso eficiente de internet


Becas Grecia cursos verano con todos los gastos pagados por el programa Erasmus+.

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Project dates: 31.07.2017 (Arrival day)  11.08.2017 (Departure day)

Venue: Spilaio, Grevena Greece

Number of participants: 6 participants (13-25 years old) and 1 youth leader without age limit


Resumen becas Grecia


Τhe project «Offline ” was born out of necessity for a deeper understanding on how to better approach and effectively help young people to understand the dangers of the frequent use of social media and new technologies. This project is an international Youth Exchange about living a better life without using internet all the time and creating better communication with other people, without using an applications to do so.


We aim to achieve it by abstaining from internet and smart phones for 10 days and replacing popular applications with traditional techniques that we used to use before internet. In this way we expect to develop withdrawal symptoms in the first few days but then we will realize how we can live better when we do not depend our entire lives on our mobile.


The project ‘’Offline for 10 days’’ is a youth exchange with main goal the reduction of wasted time on the Internet and the proper use of the Internet as a significant tool that we use in our everyday life and in our work. Simultaneously this project is a practical solution to improve the knowledge of youth with different backgrounds during their participation in non formal activities. The project ’’Offline for 10 days’’ will host 50 youth from 7 European countries. Each of those countries differs from the others and as the result the multiculturalism, the common European identity and intercultural dialogue will be promoted.


Μοre specifically in this project participants from Greece, Spain, Hungary, France, Portugal, Bulgaria and Romania will gather.


Organización que otorga Becas Grecia


organization has been founded on 2015 with mission to raise the active and responsible involvement of youth into social, cultural and educational life of our community. ‘It deals with young people to help them develop their talents and skills, giving them opportunities to engage in useful activities.


The members of the organization are mostly youth and specialist who are working with youth and children, united around the idea of promoting education and European awareness among the youth and generally among the society, supporting people, helping people with fewer opportunities in their social integration, making youth participation in public life more active and strengthening the principles of civil society and democracy.

becarios participantes


Every group consists of 6 youth aged between 13-25 years old and 1 group leader (there is no age limit for group leader). Able to communicate in English at the sufficient level


Requirements for the selection of participants:


– To respect gender balance


-To send at least 3 participants with fewer opportunities


– Selected participants should be willing to connect to the internet for up to 30 minutes per day


Please, after the selection of the participants, send us the filled information form about the participants, which will be sent by us.


If you need more advice/support in the process of selection of the participants, you can contact us and, as soon as possible, we will reply and we will find a common agreement.


Resumen becas Grecia , apoyo financiero


The accommodation, meals and activities costs will be free of charge, supported by the host organization through the Erasmus+ grant from European Commission. Related to the travel grant, according to Erasmus+ Program Guide, we will reimburse the travel cost/person, following the Erasmus+ grant scheme:


We recommend you to search for the most cost-efficient transport way (by airplane, train, bus, etc.) being given the distances in some cases.


Make sure that you keep the invoices, boarding passes and other documents mandatory for the reimbursement! For advice and recommendations, please contact us.


We request also 10euro participant fee (apart from Building Bridges fee of 40€) to manage cultural tour and a big surprise for you.


 Greece-20 Euros


 France- 275 Euros


 Romania-275 Euros


 Hungary-275 Euros


 Spain- 360 Euros


 Bulgaria- 180 Euros


 Portugal- 360 Euros


Coordinator organization will transfer travel expenses to your sending organization and they are the ones who will give you your travel expenses back. Travel expenses will be reimbursed the latest one month after the submission of the final report and to get them you will have to do all participants tasks, including ones before and after mobility as stated under participants’ tasks .Every participant is obligated to actively participate in all activities. In a case of missing out more than 10% of activities participants travel expenses won’t be reimbursed and participant is risking getting expelled from the project and sent back home on their own expenses.




Sobre la ciudad

The venue will take place in one of the beautiful and historical Greek villages called Spileo. Spileo has an exceptional landscape and very famous sight seeings as the monastery and the bridge of Portitsa.

Check this :


How to get there?

You can fly other to Thessaloniki or Athens and then use the bus in order to arrive in the town of Grevena. Afterwards there will be a local bus which will take you directly to the venue.


You can check tickets but before you buy them you should receive a confirmation otherwise we can not reimburse them !!


How to equip yourself for the project?


Weather in the first half of August is warm (30+ degrees).Take also sport shoes and sportswear that can be used for theatre, dance, outdoor activities etc


– Flag of your country


– National food and drinks for the intercultural night


– Medicines if you need it


– A lot of good energy!!!


– TOWEL, swimsuit and flip-flops!


¿Cómo debes preparar estas becas Grecia?


1. Prepare the survey’s results of your country.


2. Complete the one month diaries (July and September)


3. Prepare 4 energizer games for the youth exchange!


Seguros becas Grecia


Remember health insurance is your responsibility, so make sure you have medical insurance. Also you are required to have travel insurance.Pleasenote that eachparticipant isrequired to have travel insuranceand health insurance and it is not reimbursable as it is your choice with which company and plan suits you.


Travel Insurance (For participants from EUcountriesthe European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)is advised!). We advice the cheapest insurance.

Cómo solicitar estas becas Grecia

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «Exchange Greece Lamprini.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

Please download and  fill this documents:

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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  • Marta Sánchez
    28 mayo, 2017 at 1:32 pm

    Hola! Me gustaría saber cuál es el nombre de la «sending organization» y si pudieran explicarme en qué consiste la encuesta en mi país.
    Muchas gracias.

  • Yes Europa
    28 mayo, 2017 at 6:34 pm

    hola, nosotros somos «Building Bridges», toenes más información sobre la sending organization en nuestro apartado de «Quienes somos»
    un saludo

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