Becas de senderismo sobre derechos humanos en Francia en el valle del Loira


Intercambio de senderismo en Francia para jóvenes menores de 30 años ( y un líder de más de 30 años) con becas Erasmus de alojamiento, manutención y viaje cubiertos por el programa Erasmus+.

Mira más becas en Francia en nuestra web.

Hemos mandado más participantes con esta organización, mira este intercambio en Francia.

Fechas y lugar de los cursos en Francia

28 May – 5 June.


There is not specific requierment in the profile of the leader. I think that they need to understand well the project and make sure that they are able to make physical efforts and lead the project in the same time (take part in the leaders meeting, lead some sessions, organise the daily life, …).

EXCHANGE FROM Monday 28th of May 2018 (ARRIVAL DAY) TO Tuesday 5th of June 2018 (DEPARTURE DAY)

Location : Loir Valley, between La Flèche and Chateau-du-Loir
Duration: 6 days + 2 travelling days
Countries: Italy, Czech Republic, Spain and France
Number of participants: 4 participants + 1 leader per country


Human rights exist for all of us. So how can we make use of them? It is clear that their existence is not enough to put an end to human rights violations, since we all know that these are committed every day, in every part of the globe. So can they really make a difference? How can we use them?

Maine is working on the Human Right topics for years now, through different means of expression. With our local and international partners, we used to work on the Human Rights through artistic creation, video making, expression … and we would like to try a new one.

We would like to experiment an itinerant youth exchange, in which the youth will have the possibility to create the message they want to spread around and to express it directly to the local population.

The idea of the itinerant youth exchange will be to walk a distance of approximately 60 km by walk, within 4 days, to exchange while walking in the group, and to organize events on the Human Rights topic in each city they are going to pass by. Each day will be focus on a different Human Right.

This Youth exchange will be a very intense personal experience for all the members of the group! They will have the chance to experiment walking with a group and deep collective life in the nature.

One of our main goals as a youth organisation is to support the youth in developing their autonomy, emancipation and power of action in order to be fully active in the society they are living in. We want them to be able to have a look on what is around, to focus on what is fine and what is not acceptable. And of course to start thinking and acting on what they want to change. For this exchange, we’ll use the focus on the Human Rights as a tool for the Youth to be the change they want to see in the world.

If we want to organize this youth exchange, it is because we want to give to the Youth the possibility to have a look on what is happening in every country represented. We would like them to explore the diversity, the different background that each country has and to exchange about it.

Esquema días

The Youth Exchange will be organized following 3 main phases: Preparation (Getting Ready!), Experimentation (Let’s walk) and Evaluation (And what?).

The idea is to use a certain methodology to make the participants create their group life and objectives, to walk for few days in the nature and to reflect on the whole process.

[DAY 1]: During the preparation phase, participants will get to know each other’s, do team building activities and get ready all together. They will draw their own challenges and objectives through this intense personal and collective experience.

[DAY 2 to 6]: During the experimentation phase, the group of 16 participants and leaders will walk a distance of 50 km in the nature. During the walk, they will have to follow different exchanges and sharing methods in order to create materials that will be used in the villages they will pass by.

Each day, the group will stop in a different village or small city, and will propose an activity, workshop or presentation in the public space, on the Right to Move topic.

This phase will give the possibility to experiment actions in the public space, with different methods.

[DAY 7]: The last phase of this project will be the evaluation. Participants will evaluate their own personal experience, as well as the collective experience.

Objetivos becas senderismo en Francia

The Main objective of this project is to raise the awareness of the youth on Human Rights through experimentation intense collective experience and public expression.

Specific objectives:
 To give the possibility to the Youth to experiment a walking experience, its challenges and benefits, and to reflect on it.
 To support young people to understand that they actually have an acting power in the world they live in.
 To provide opportunities for the exchanges of experiences and competences of young people from different countries.
 To understand the role of H.R. respect in the process of overcoming intolerance and extremism, particularly promoting non-discriminatory approach.
 To spread a message of respecting Human Rights through the local population.

Itinerario senderismo

Please note that some of the following information may be changed before the project, it is more to give an idea of the journey.
28/05 : ARRIVAL in Le Mans
29/05 : GETTING READY in Le Mans
30/05 : 1st WALKING DAY From La Flèche to Le Lude (20 km – approximately 4h30) PUCLIC ACTION in Le Lude
31/05 : 2nd WALKING DAY From Le Lude to Aubigne-Racan (11 km – approximately 3h)
PUCLIC ACTION in Aubigne-Racan

01/06 : 3rd WALKING DAY From Aubigne-Racan to Vaas (6 km – approximately 1h30)

02/06 : 4rd WALKING DAY From Vaas to Chateau-du-Loir (10 km – approx 3h)
PUCLIC ACTION in Chateau-du-Loir

Participantes becas senderismo

Youth aged from 18 to 25 (leaders can be older)
Interested in the topic of Human Rights
Whiling to make a change in their society
Ready to live a sportive experience and to be challenged
Ready to share, exchange, discover, create…
As this youth exchange is quite specific and will require a physical effort, participants should be in good physical conditions. There is no need to be an athlete or a sport addict, but to make sure that she/he can walk a long distance in a few days.
Each country will be represented by 4 Youth and 1 leader.


We will be sleeping under tents, in the villages which we will pass by. Participants will share their tent with one or two person.
We will cook for ourselves, through our journey. We will have camping equipment and basic cooking utensils. We will also have the opportunity to make fires in the nature and cook from it.

The idea of this youth exchange is to create a collective living setting, which means that the group will be shopping, cooking, washing dishes, and organizing the common living spaces all together as a group. At the beginning of the project, we will together create a system of sharing the living tasks equaly within the group!



Participants will be reimbursed up to the limit of the Erasmus+ financial policy- 275 euro.
The reimbursement would be done through a bank transfer after the main activities when all participants would acomplish the tasks of dissemination the project results and follow up activities.


Participacion activa


By joining our training course you are confirming active participation in all phases of the project (before, during and after training course).
Before the project main task would be to promote our project and to prepare material from local community about a national/local situation related to an unemployment and an citizenship.
During the project we require active participation on 100% of workshops and activities prepared by our train-
ers team.

After the project partcipant would need to acomplish task which would inclde action as organising thefollow up activities in their local communities with new methodology, promotion of our project through social

Visibility of the project and its results it is high priority for us. We would like to share our experience and knowledge about new methodologies useful in youth work. Thats why all together we will work on promotion on social media our project’s FB page.

Participants will have to acomplish task connected with the promotion of our FB page.
The promotion of FB page would start aproximietly 3 weeks before activities and finish in the end of the project. It is necessary to consider this action as your participation and contribution to this project.

¿Qué necesito preparar?

A sleeping-mat and a warm sleeping bag
– A good and comfortable backpack
– Good walking clothes and shoes
– Your travel proofs: originals or copies of flight invoices, original boarding passes and train/bus tickets (with price clearly shown).
– As the nights can be quite cold, remember also to bring warm clothes.
– Clothes for rainy weather
– Your own towels and toiletries (everything needed for shower and your personal items)
– Any personal “talent” you want to share with the group : music instrument, games … (SMALL )
– And for sure please bring with you your smile, energy and inspiration 

We will be staying in camping places, so if you have valuables which are not essential, please do not bring them. You are fully responsible for all your belongings.
– Try to don’t bring new shoes with you, but use them before so they will be adapted to your feet.
– Each participant will be carrying his/her backpack while walking. Make sure that it is as less heavy as possible! (One car will be following us but we will not be able to store everything inside)

We wish that the weather will be great in the middle of the summer! So take some light clothes, but don’t forget that it might be raining some times, and cold at night  !
You can also check the weather one week before the project in order to be fully ready.

Reembolso viajes

We would like to encourage participants to buy travel tickets as soon as possible to enjoy economical prices. Please do not buy travel tickets until your participation has been approved by us. All the travel costs will be reimbursed the earliest 3 months after the end of the training course/youth exchange.
Please note that the process of reimbursement will be carried out directly with the applicant organizations and not with the individual participants. We kindly remind all participants to keep the original tickets, invoices and BOARDING PASSES.

ARRIVAL / MONDAY, 28th of MAY 2018
07:00 PM – 19h00
(if you come later, please let us know in advance)


th of JUNE 2018


The closest airports are Nantes or Paris. From here you can take a train to Le Mans.
Check out the train timetables at
You can also have a look at the bus companies: OUIBUS or FLIXBUS
We will pick you up at the train station so please do not forget to send us your arrival time as soon as possible.

Proceso selección para becas para becas senderismo Francia

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this activity.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «TC France Dance Eric.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

[button color=»orange2″ link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application Form YesEuropa[/button]

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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