Cursos en Francia para jóvenes menores de 30 años ( y un líder de más de 30 años) con becas Erasmus de alojamiento, manutención y viaje cubiertos por el programa Erasmus+.
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Becas completas!. Por favor mira vacantes aquí
Fechas y lugar de los cursos en Francia
European Cultures, the dance as a meeting point
from Monday April 30th (arrival date) to Sunday May 6th 2018 (departure date)
Countries: France, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Lithuania and Romania.
In La Vancelle, FRANCE
This infopack contains all the important topics and information which regards you as partners and participants. Please read carefully the next chapters. We have tried to include all possible information in this pack, even the apparantly obvious topics. Don’t hesitate to contact us in case something is not clear. You will receive further practical information in
relation to your stay, the youth Exchange, activites.
The project «European Cultures, the dance as a meeting point » is a youth exchange on the theme of the dance. It aims to provide young participants skills in the field of dancing and artistic expression in general. It also aims to promote intercultural understanding between young Europeans, to raise awareness about issues of European citizenship through various activities based on methods of formal and informal training.
Sobre la organización
Is a non-profit organization founded in 2000. Our main objective is to promote cultural activities and building bridges for better intercultural understanding.
To reach this objective we have 3 main activities:
– “International youth mobility” (Exchanges, Volunteering, trainings), to promote intercultural learning,
youth inclusion and cooperation between youth workers at a global level;
– “Access to culture and Art for all”, to help disadvantaged people in having access to cultural and artistic activities and events;
– “Culture and sustainable development”, raising awareness on the sustainable development applied in the cultural and artistic activities and events.

Objetivos de los cursos en Francia
The youth exchange has four objectives:
1 . Acquire or enhance participants’ knowledge in the fields of music and dancing ;
2 . Discover the traditions and cultures of the countries involved in the project through traditional dances ;
3 . Strengthen the sense of belonging to a European community together in its diversity ;
4 . Improve the knowledge in foreign languages among the participants , especially the French and English languages;
Metodología cursos Francia
The participants will be actively involved in various activities with the support of formal methods and non- formal such as working groups, workshops, round tables, role games, focus groups, open sessions and presentations.
The project will take place in Youth Hostel in La Vancelle. Participants will be accommodated in double-bed rooms. The hostel has all necessary facilities to host international project. There is big workshop room inside and green area for outdoor activities.
La Vancelle is small beautiful village located near small mountains where on one of the peak are castle’s ruins.
There is no shop however there are two famous restaurants in which one of them has Michelin star.
Strasbourg is beautiful historical city and capitol of Alsace region. It is called European Union capitol because in this city is located European Union Parliament. At the same time city is hosting headquarters of
Council of Europe.
Alsasce is specific part of France where culture of three countries are meeting and existing together creating their own culture of this region.
The project’s participants will be young people between 18 and 25 years who have a strong passion for artistic activities and young people who show an interest in developing skills in this area (dances)
However, Youth Exchanges (in Erasmus +) allows the participation of the youth between 13 to 30 years old. For participants not between 18 to 30, the partners must contact us before selected them officiallly. If there are some minor participants, they will be up to 6 in total. In case a partner would like to send a minor, the partner has to ask us before. Indeed, we have maximum of 6.
12 of the participants must be youth with less opportunites (2 per country). Each partner has to inform Tambour Battant who are the participants with less opportunities
It would be nice if each country could come with 2 boys and 2 girls (+the leader)
The youth leader can be a youth but he/she must be a little older than the others. There is not age limit for the youth leader. The leaders must participate to all the activities as a regular participant. Espacially if there are minor in the group, a minimum of 30 years old for the leader would be a must.
The participants of this youth exchange can not be already engaged under an other Erasmus + mobilty (exemple : EVS volunteers can not participate, Erasmus student neither…)
IMPORTANT : we can only accept participants who live in the countries of the partners (=residents) and who travel to and from the country of the partners.
Working Languages: English and French
Dates and time of arrival : from Monday April 30 (arrival date) to Sunday May 6 2018 (departure date). No specific time of arrival : the participants will arrive when their flights will arrive.
Number of participants: 4 youth + 1 leader per country (30 in total)
Number of Countries: 5 + 1 (France) = 6 countries in total
Alojamiento cursos Francia
You will stay in rooms for 4 people with shared bathroom. A very few people will stay in a single, double or triple room, those smaller rooms are dedicated for the leaders who are older. Some participants may stay in a dormitory up to 6 people. The genders will not be mixed. If there are couples among the participants, please be prepared to sleep separately.
The beds have linens; you don’t need to bring your sleeping bag.
There are no washing machines in the hostel, so you can not do your laundry, but if you really need there is a river nearby where you can wash your clothes…
There is an iron in the youth hostel
There is a hair dryer in the youth hostel
Participants will be reimbursed up to the limit of the Erasmus+ financial policy- 275 euro.
The reimbursement would be done through a bank transfer after the main activities when all participants would acomplish the tasks of dissemination the project results and follow up activities.
The closest airport to La Vancelle is Strasbourg but our favorite airport is Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg (to notice,
this airport is located in France).
Others airports possible : Karsruhe-Baden Baden, Stuttgart, Frankfurt Main, Zurich.
Participants chosen to second stage of selection would get second infopack where would be describe process of buying the tickets and reimbursement. The tickets which would be not confirm by organisators would be not reimburse.
– Try to land on the closest aiport to the APV place (see the list in order of preference above)
– Open jaws tickets (arrival to a city and departure from an other city) are to avoid.
– Try to buy return tickets (not one way with one airline and the other way with an other way) = less emails to send = less calculations to do
– Stop over itineraries (to spend a day or lots of hours in an other city on the way) are to avoid.
– Options will not be reimbursed. Options are : travel insurance, luggage insurance, priority boarding, seat selection, meals on board, flexibility option (possibility to change the date), lounge, fast track, on time guarantee
– one checked luggage per participant only will be accepted (15 or 20 or 23kg). If you don’t need a checked luggage : do not buy it
– Multi-city tickets are to avoid
In all cases, you don’t need to search how to reach the YE place from the airport of arrival. Wewill explain you how to do it.
We will not pick you up at the aiport. You will probably take the public transportation. You just have to look for your flight tickets from your city/country to one of the airport which is mentioned above.
Extra days :
Extra days in the country of origin are not allowed (it means you can not leave home, spend a few days nearby your capital for exemple and then take your flight).
If you want to arrive earlier and/or go back home later, we have to discuss about it (to come 1 or 2 days earlier OR leave 1 or 2 days later is acceptable (but not more than 2 days IN TOTAL) and again you must ask us before buying the flight tickets). Obviously, your « special » flight ticket can not be more expensive than the flight ticket on the exact dates. All the expenses during extra days are for your own. Our accomodation is not available if you arrive earlier or if your leave later.
It is also possible to come by car but an agreement must be established prior to the departure (for example, only one car with 5 people, shortest way…). If you rent a car (for the entire group of course), you must rent the cheapest. If you come with a personal car, any compensation for the use of the personal car must be negociated before the departure. It is
also possible to come by bus, by train or with car sharing.
In all cases, you must contact us before. Hitchhiking is not allowed.
Warning: do not buy any tickets (flight, bus or train) before telling us the price (luggage included), city of departure, city of arrival, the airline/company and the dates of travel. And please wait for our answer. If we don’t answer it doesn’t mean that you can buy the tickets (wait for our answer). If you buy a flight ticket without an approval, you may not be reimbursed or be reimbursed partially (for exemple we will reimburse you only the cost of the cheapest flight)
Reimbursement : The refunds will be made when all the tickets (bus, train, flight) and boarding passes will be sent by email only (no Facebook and no post mail please). You must send us scans or PDF or forwarded emails (pictures from a camera will not be accepted). The scans must be on the good sense of reading (not upside down).
Each leader will have to complete an excel document with all the expenses per participant. Moreover the survey must be done (one survey per leader) and the dissemination work must be done by the partners and/or the participants and the partners have to tell us who are the youth with less opportunities.
We must send the money to the partner bank account by bank transfer. Travel expenses will be reimbursed after the YE by bank transfer to the partner organization, within the limit of the Erasmus+ lamp sums
Programa actividades
Participacion activa
By joining our training course you are confirming active participation in all phases of the project (before, during and after training course).
Before the project main task would be to promote our project and to prepare material from local community about a national/local situation related to an unemployment and an citizenship.
During the project we require active participation on 100% of workshops and activities prepared by our train-
ers team.
After the project partcipant would need to acomplish task which would inclde action as organising thefollow up activities in their local communities with new methodology, promotion of our project through social
Visibility of the project and its results it is high priority for us. We would like to share our experience and knowledge about new methodologies useful in youth work. Thats why all together we will work on promotion on social media our project’s FB page.
Participants will have to acomplish task connected with the promotion of our FB page.
The promotion of FB page would start aproximietly 3 weeks before activities and finish in the end of the project. It is necessary to consider this action as your participation and contribution to this project.
¿Qué necesito preparar?
For the International Buffet (= intercultural evening):
Food and / or drinks from your own country. There is a refrigerator but it is not possible to cook. We do not have a budget for this expense, please consider it as a present for the other participants. Please also bring Information brochures of your country and/or city
Work and reflection groups
Please bring one laptop per group (= one per country to present your work)
Bring or make a presentation of your country. You can use Power point, musics, videos, pictures, etc. Please also bring Information brochures of your country and/or city. It is not possible to use internet in the meeting room during the presentation: all the videos, music, pictures must be downloaded on your computer prior the presentation)
Bring a presentation of your sending organization (present your «sending» organization to the other participants, maximum 15 minutes).
Maybe your organisation has already something. You can use Power point, videos, pictures, etc. Please also bring Information brochures of your sending organisation (if there are any).
Role plays (energizers) and other group consolidation activities (team building activities)
Please prepare at least two energizers and two team building activities per group (=per country)
Dances workshops
– Select and repeat one traditional dance to show to other participants (and to teach to the other participants) during the YE (dance chosen by young people)
– find the music of your traditional dance and keep it on media (and bring it for the YE
Proceso selección para becas para cursos en Francia
Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this activity.
You should complete registration in 2 steps:
1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «TC France Dance Eric.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«. We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.
2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities.
[button color=»orange2″ link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application Form[/button]
* It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.
If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants
Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges
ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB
What do our participants say?
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