Cursos trabajo social Erasmus+ en Rumanía sobre drogas


Participa en estos cursos trabajo social Erasmus+ en Rumanía para trabajadores juveniles (aunque estén en desempleo) con las becas Erasmus+ con todos los gastos pagados.

Tienes más becas en Rumanía a tu disposición en nuestra web.

Fechas y lugar cursos trabajo social Erasmus+

Dates: 23 -30 September 2017

Arriving in Romania, Bucharest – Henry Coanda airport: September 22 afternoon.

departure from Bucharest can be 30 September (evening) or 1 October (morning)

Work place: Bucharest, Romania. Participants: 18 Youth workers.

Participating countries: Romania, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Ukraine and Poland.

Presupuesto viaje y becas alojamiento y manutención de los cursos trabajo social Erasmus+

The budget of transport: participant. Spain: 360 € / participant

Lodging and accommodation are included during activities.


Hotel «Pui de urs»; – street Economu Cezarescu 42; included breakfast; double rooms.

Lunch and Dinner: in hotel.


Transport from the airport:

Bus 785 to Piata Unirii, then take the subway – to the station Grozavesti – for street Economu


Planning: each group will be welcomed at the airport.

Sobre los cursos trabajo social Erasmus+ en Rumanía

The project “Together” is part of the proposed applications from action KA-1 “Youth workers”

All over Europe has been ascertained an increase of the drug abuse amongst teenagers and youngs, especially in high schools and undergraduate institutions.

For a well awareness of the “drugs” phenomenon and in order to fight against it, this project stands for developing youth workers abilities regarding getting involved into non-formal prevention programmes that include the drug abusers, through the next objectives:

1. The accumulation of skills and competence of youth workers in non-formal practice to prevent and combat drug consumption among young people;

2. Acquisition of experiences and exchanges of best practices of youth workers offered by the participating NGOs, youth support, organizations that have experience prevention / fighting drugs;

3. Empowering youth workers in the prevention of drug consumption among young people and social inclusion of consumers.

4. Deepening knowledge about Erasmus + and Youth pass in the work of youth workers participating in the project.

 Actividades de los cursos trabajo social Erasmus+ en Rumanía

– Workshop 1: The conflict: Manifestation / intervention in a conflict group

– Workshop 2: “Non-formal methods and techniques to prevent drug consumption“ – Planning. Getting the message. Observing and reporting.

– Exchange of best practice – former consumer experiences. Experiences participants. Case study and dialogue with youths in a rehabilitation center.

– Product development support in drug use prevention: multilingual website multilingual brochure, mini film.

– Roundtable – "Consumption of drug prevention and social reintegration of young consumers."

– Presentation Erasmus + – improving knowledge of Erasmus +.

Resultados esperados cursos trabajo social Erasmus+

– Acquiring skills / specific skills in working with young drug users.

– Thorough knowledge of youth workers about Erasmus +.

– Personal development of youth workers through active social involvement in drug use prevention among young people and integration of vulnerable youth

– Exchange of best practice between participating organizations, government & NGO institution with expertise in preventing and combating drug consumption.

METHODS: role playing, brainstorming, case study, debate, dialogue.

IMPACT: Self empowerment through implementation of acquired skills to combat drug consumption among young people; Participants have the opportunity to reflect on the behavior of vulnerable groups through direct interaction but also through case studies planned. Obtaining Certificate accountability Youth pass opportunity to stimulate active involvement in society, national, European or international level, developing new projects for the benefit of youth prevention campaigns.

 Beneficios cursos trabajo social Erasmus+

Partner organizations will be able to diversify and multiply their activities to prevent, combat and social inclusion of young people vulnerable to drug consumption. Participation in this project provides participants the basic knowledge necessary to assume a responsible role in local communities, national and European.


Proceso selección para cursos trabajo social Erasmus+ en Rumanía

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «TC Romania Suiu.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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  • Matias Castro
    28 junio, 2017 at 5:26 am

    Hola! soy Chileno, puedo postular a este voluntariado? o para todos es necesario ser residente europeo?

  • Yes Europa
    28 junio, 2017 at 4:25 pm

    Hola esto no es un voluntariado, es un curso y debes ser residente en España en nuestras oportunidades, alternativamente tienes suerte!

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