5 Becas Erasmus+ para miembros de Building Bridges para el intercambio Erasmus+ con todos los gastos pagados de alojamiento, manutención y viaje durante las actividades
06 – 15 November 2015 (06 and 15 November: 2 Travel Days; 05-14 November: 8 Activity days)
4 Participants (18-30 years) + 1 Leader (over 18) from Building Bridges Association.
4 Youth Participant + 1 Youth leader= 5 Participants per each country Total Number of Participant = 40 PARTICIPANTS It would be great if the Team leader is a Youth Worker or a professional inside the Staff of the Organisation.
The idea of the project origins from a precise need: involve partners from UE and Extra-UE that works in the youth field to deal with issues of active citizenship, prevention of exclusion, interculturalità and peace. In the project “CULTURAL MAKERS. Intercultures, youth and active citizenship” are involved 7 Programm Countries: Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Slovenia, Finnland and Lithuania; and 3 Partner Countries: Russian Federation, Ukraine and Georgia.
Gathering in the project partners from so different realities shows the clear will to establish a common dialogue based on tollerance and building relationships between youth, in order to promote peace and International cooperation. All the countries involved are facing economic, employment crisis and conflicts based on ethnic and religious issues. In this problematic frame-work, that produces various kind of social exclusion (conflicts, suicides, alienation) how can the Youth workers and youth participants in this project ouline inclusive solutions and effective answers? Which instruments do the youth need to consider themselfes as a active subject in the set up local and european policy?
How could cultural differences became essential to build a real International cooperation? Within the project “CULTURAL MAKERS» we would like to establish a setting and a opportunity of debate and discussion between youth and youth workers to develop common and incisive answers to these questions. The project will be a Youth Exchange in Pisa (Italy) from 6th till 15th novembre 2015 (8 activity days and 2 travel days) involving 50 participants: 1 youth leader and 4 youth participants from each organisation. An Advance Planning Visiti in Pisa is necessary due to the project complexity and to the heterogeneus partnership from 8th till 11th september 2015 and will involve 20 participants (1 youth leader and 1 youth from each organisation).
The objectives of the project “CULTURAL MAKERS” are:
– promoting youth protagonism, active citizenship and participation, analizing how EU policy can foster shared planning youth oriented;
– fostering interculturality as instrument of cooperation, inclusion and tearing down marginalisation;
– spreading EU democratic values to strenghten equality, social justice and individual freedom.
The methodologies used will be non-formal-education activities as: working in small groups, network metodologies, ecological-systemical approach, oppressed theatrical techniques, community development techniques. The project foresees the following outcomes and impacts:
– promoting the encounteer between youth from different cultures, to tear down stereotypes, intollerance, fostering the value of democracy, respect and tollerance;
– involving youth with fewer oppotunities in a european mobility experience focused on inclusion and empowerment of competences.
– building an International network to plan and design new future projects under Erasmus Plus Program.
Active citizenship, youth participation, democracy, youth commitment in the local society, intercultural dimension, commonalities and differences between EU and NON-EU Countries.
The methodologies used in both Activities belong to the non-formal education category and includes: – role-play – brainstorming – simulation games – guided debates in small groups – use of ICT and digital technologies – particular focus on inclusion of people with fewer opportunities. 5.TRAVEL The nearest airport is Brindisi (BDS). At the airport a bus with one of the Staff members will wait for you and will bring you to Poggiardo. The cost of the bus is 20-25 € per person, consider it in your budget. You can also arrive at Bari airport (BRI), we will organize a bus to pick you up there, the cost is 35 € per person. You can also arrive in Rome airport, then take a bus (Terravision) out of the airport to get to Rome main Station (Termini) and then take a train to Lecce. For trains info and time table please see the web-site www.trenitalia.it. Please find connections and flights in order to arrive in the afternoon of the 06th November. 6. ACCOMMODATION Rooms will be mixed by nation but not by sex.
Here some picture of the place where you will stay:
We will have buffet, lunch and dinner. The meals will let the participants discover the various tastes of Italian Kitchen and all the needs will be taken into consideration according to the different cultures and religions.
170€ from Spain to Italy return tickets.
Each Organisation must open a Call for Participants in order to have all the participants needed using different media: on the web-site of the organization; on the social networks of the organization; through the mailing list of the organization; within the newsletter; contacting directly person interested in the topics; using the Application Form
Each Organisation will buy round tickets after having all the participants; the Travel costs could cover public transport (train, bus) and plane until the maximum of the amount of the TRAVEL CHART; if the costs of the Travel exceede the amount indicated in the TRAVEL CHART exceed, each organization must cover the remaining costs by their own
How to apply
Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.
You should complete registration in 2 steps:
1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter with subject“Exchange Italy Cultural Makers. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME».
Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english.
Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.
2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities.
* It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.
If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants
Please fill the next questionnaire in order to apply for this exchange position:
What do our participants say?
[tabgroup][tab title=»Álvaro en Cerdeña»]En el momento que vi en la web de Yes Europa la posibilidad de hacer con una beca Erasmus+ un Training Course sobre inclusión social, sostenibilidad y revitalización cultural y económica a través de la educación no formal no dudé y me apunté rápidamente. Tuve la suerte de que me confirmaron una plaza… Seguir leyendo[/tab][tab title=»Carlos e Isabel en su SVE social»]
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Han pasado tres meses desde que empezó mi aventura de Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Polonia, mis días aquí son intensos… Seguir leyendo[/tab][tab title=»Luis con beca Erasmus+»]
Me dirigí a Sassari para mi Training Course con becas Erasmus+ que ofrecen desde Building Bridges con cierto desconocimiento, puesto que yo siempre me he dedicado a la enseñanza formal, y no había experimentado previamente este tipo de encuentros. Dos personas por país, ocho países y un entorno con gran encanto, la ciudad sarda de Sassari.… Seguir leyendo[/tab][/tabgroup]
19 octubre, 2015 at 1:02 pmBuenos días:
Queria información al repescto del intercambio para gestores culturales.
1.- Soy gestor cultural des de hace 15 años, puede ser un problema que sea mayor de 30, en este caso 34 años?
2.- En todo caso donde os envio la application form.
1 noviembre, 2015 at 5:21 pmHola Ramon
solo puedes participar como lider de grupo para el grupo de españoles que mandamos menores de 30 años , si te interesa te podemos contar detalles en «asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com» un saludo
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