“Discover-Connect- Change ” EVS project will take place in Baia Mare and rural areas – Copalnic Manastur and Suciu de Jos (Northern Romania) for 2 months, between 1st of July and 31st August 2015. The project will host 15 volunteers, from 9 countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom.

Short description of project

«Discover-Connect-Change» brings together 15 EVS volunteers from Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Macedonia, Norway, Portugal, Spain, UK , Netherlands and 10 Romanians recruited from the 3 communities where the activities will be – Baia Mare town and the villages Copalnic Manastur and Suciu de Jos – for a period of 2 months (01.07.2015-31.08.2015) and throughout the programs to learn from each other, develop skills, develop personal & professional competences, entrepreneurial skills, self confidence. The volunteers will work in international team, will learn to communicate in at least one foreign language, being aware of diversity, their potential for active involvement in the life of society, being motivated to participate and implement European projects.

We would like also to have a gender balanced group so please also take this into consideration

Schedule and related tasks

-1 st week: training session about the organization, «Y Induction Training»: they get to know how operates the organization, activities, volunteers, structure, programs, methods used and intercultural activities, creativity and spontaneity, history YMCA, teamwork, leadership, communication, problem solving; Youthpass presentation; media and ICT workshop (filming techniques, cuting, editing, photography, using materials obtained for dissemination)

– 2 nd week: training session for working with children and young people in the target group for camps;

– 3 rd week: educational camp in Baia Mare «Healthy lifestyle and personal development. EVS volunteers, the organization’s staff and volunteers will organize and coordinate activities together. The camps will conclude with a Living/Human Library public event for everybody.

-4 th week : evaluation of camp and volunteers will use their experience to prepare camps that will take place in rural areas; materials; also they will organize together with Romanian volunteers a World café event where will be invited other organizations, media, authorities, partners, the community as a whole

-5 th week – on arrival training organized somewhere in Romania by the National Agency of Erasmus Plus (where will attend all the EVS volunteers that arrive in Romania in July 2015)

-6 th – 7 th week : educational camps for children and youth «Communication and Interculturality” in Copalnic Mănăştur and «Equality and diversity» in Suciu de Jos using a variety of formal methods and tools inclusive. At the end of each side EVS volunteers will organize one public event using the Human/Living Library;

– Weekly meetings of coordination / evaluation coordinator and staff: 2 hours

– Romanian language course, mentorship

8 thweek : final-evaluation : volunteers report, reflection and complete learning process


The program is extremely varied, with activities, participatory methods that stimulate learning, creativity, active involvement, initiative, reflection. The presented above schedule is a frame , the weekly activities will be adjusted accordingly with the schedule of On arriving training in July that will be announced later by National Agency.

Attitude. Initiative.

The volunteers should have good communication capabilities, able to work in a team, willing to work with young people from different nationalities and religions. The volunteers need to be responsible, diligent, creative, open minded, ambitious, commited, interested in innovative ways of communication and implementing creative activities EVS in YMCA Romania is a group experience. You live and work in a group of 15 volunteers who you have not met up to that moment and you’ll have to find ways to relate and get along. It’s a big adventure: not always easy or fun, but full of new discoveries and challenges. The work you’ll be doing in our project requires that you are open-minded, social and fundamentally interested in other people, even if at surface is a value you have little in common with. Also, you need to be able to take initiative both towards people and regarding your tasks and projects. The work that you do inside YMCA Romania (here included also the programs run on different locations and in local partnership) it’s yours. Consider it your own and make it your own. Take care of it because it is your own. Take responsibility for your part and take care that someone takes over from you when you cannot attend (motivated reasons).

The EVS is an opportunity for the volunteers to realize their own personal goals or projects if these are well communicated to the staff and are in line with the mission of the organization. We expect an active and responsible attitude from the volunteer, to be proactive and to take initiative.

Practical arrangements

A working week consists of 35 hours per week, Monday to Friday between different hours as in schedule. Weekends are days off. If some events/activities take place during the weekend, volunteers will get days off during the week. Besides, the volunteers will receive two days of holiday per month. Volunteers are supposed to announce his or her vacation plans with their coordinator at least 2 weeks before. The organization will provide food during camps and trainings and for the other days the volunteers will receive food allowance. Local transportation to camps in the rural area will be supported by organization. Volunteers will receive monthly allowance/pocket money in amount of 60 euro. Volunteers will be accommodated in university campus and houses in shared rooms. Volunteers are responsible of keeping the apartments and rooms clean. Internet will be provided in the office. Volunteers will attend Romanian language lessons weekly. Also they will get support from their coordinator, staff, volunteers and mentor.

Hosting town and county

Baia Mare is a municipality surrounded by mountains, in northwestern Romania and the capital of Maramureş County. The city is situated about 600 kilometres from Bucharest, the capital of Romania, 70 kilometres from the border with Hungary and 50 kilometres from the border with Ukraine. It has a population of 137.976. The city is situated in the vicinity of the Gutâi and Igniș Mountains. Altitudes reach 1400 meters in some peaks. The area is famous for its outstanding landscapes, and the mountains are easily accessible from the city, famous routes being: Igniș (1307 m), Mogoșa (1246 m), Gutâi (1443 m), Creasta Cocosului (1450 m), Piatra Soimului (839 m), Plestioara (803 m), Dealul Bulat (683 m), Murgau (633 m), Dealul Crucii (500 m) etc. Some of these mountains provide skiing slopes, most notably the one at Mogoșa, which is the most difficult slope in Northern Romania.The city is situated in the Baia Mare valley and is encircled on all sides by hills and mountains, which makes the climate in the city milder than the rest of the surrounding area. Proof of this is that the outskirts of Baia Mare are the only areas where you can find chestnut trees that usually need Mediterranean climate to grow. This is the northernmost reach of the chestnut tree. The summers are mild, cooler than in the rest of the country, but the temperature can go higher than 35 degress.

The city of Baia Mare is the most populous of Northern Romanian cities (Satu Mare, Suceava and Botoșani), with a population of approximately 149,735. It also has a high level of culture and education, being home to theatres, schools, museums and art galleries. Not far from the city there are a few very important natural reservations, among them Creasta Cocoșului, Cheile Tătărului, Lacul Albastru etc. Because of its privileged location in the Eastern Carpathian mountains it is considered one of the most picturesque cities in Romania.

Maramures county is considered by many to be the heart and soul of rural Romania. With its picturesque countryside of small villages, rolling hills, pastures, and meadows full of wildflowers, Maramures epitomizes all that the rural lifestyle encompasses. Visitors to Maramures have a unique opportunity to step back in time and bear witness to simpler times and simpler lives. Maramures is a small and unique location in the geographical heartland of Europe that has carefully and distinctively preserved the culture, traditions and lifestyle of a mediaeval peasant past. The region stands as a testament to traditional; to a romantic era of simplicity, pride and moral values that many of us can only now read about or hear from our grandparents.

Little has changed in the centuries gone by. Families remain in the same villages as their ancestors. Traditional skills and crafts are passed down from generation to generation. Traditional hand-woven clothing continues to be practical. The church continues to be the soul of the village. Neighbours know one another and continue to lend a helping hand.


– maximum travel costs reimbursed accordingly with the approved budget (based on EU distance band calculator): 275 EUR (Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Norway, Macedonia, Netherlands, UK) and 360 EUR( Spain and Portugal).

Conditions of reimbursement

By law and the funding rules of the Erasmus Plus Program we need to keep certain administrative procedures. We are asking for your support and cooperation in keeping these rules. Please make sure that you read and understand the conditions and the procedure.

– save your original tickets and receipts, invoices and all related documents, because you can only get reimbursement for costs of which you can prove the amounts with original tickets and receipts. Only the amount written on the ticket will be reimbursed – that is, if you want your return ticket to be reimbursed, you have to give it to us. ALL the following ORIGINAL documents will be needed:

-all your tickets and boarding passes

– invoices of buying your tickets

– passport or ID

– official document from the bank or travel agency stating the proof of paying the travel tickets.

What is an invoice?  This is a document, signed and stamped by the seller. The invoice of flight ticket must contain your name, the starting and finishing place and the date of the journey and the price of the ticket. Whatever official is your paper, if these data are not on it, you cannot get it reimbursed!!! Use your name from your passport, no nicknames! An e-ticket is NOT an invoice! If necessary, call the airline/train company/etc., explain them the situation and ask them to give you a receipt/invoice with the data given above. If you buy tickets online, take care that you tick the box indicating that you want an invoice, and you fill in the address of YMCA Romania Federation where the invoice has to be sent by the airline company.

[button size=medium style=round color=blue align=left url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Vy9pbU9kqiV21hVnlqbElYX00/view?usp=sharing]Documents for travel costs reimbursement[/button]

What to bring

-Casual and sport clothes for outdoor and indoor activities

– Waterproof outdoor and sport shoes

-Photo or video camera and notebook/laptop(if possible)

– materials for intercultural events: flag, traditional food, presentations of country/organization, drinks, other materials. (if possible)


-Your own medicines

-passport or ID

-all original bills and tickets

-other useful personal items


The deadline to apply is 2nd of April 2015. Send your CV and a project related motivation letter.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.
All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Discover-Connect-Change Romania ”


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