Viajar a Polonia con Intercambio sobre arte


5 becas para viajar a Polonia de intercambio Erasmus+ para socios de YesEuropa

Nombre del proyecto para viajar a Polonia

Viajar a Polonia con el proyecto YOUTH EXCHANGE “E(ART)H OF YOUTH” (II EDITION)

Lugar de las becas para viajar a Polonia


fechas de las becas para viajar a Polonia

ARRIVAL: 09.12.2015 DEPARTURE: 16.12.2015


El proyecto para viajar a Polonia se llama:

”E(Art) of Youth” is an educational – cultural project for young Europeans. 30 citizens from the following countries: Croatia, Spain, Macedonia, Germany, Romania and Poland will participate in the project, age 18-30 (exept the group leaders). We need from each country 4 participants and 1 group leader. The aims of this project are: breaking intercultural barriers and stereotypes, as well as building the community of youth. The project helps to broaden the knowledge of participants about visual art from each country, learn more about their culture and also tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The bigger involvement in the project will be possible by diversification of the exchanges’ topics – thus we plan 3 of them: artistic (painting and drawing), photography and theatrical. Lectures and workshops are activities, which will let understand the idea of unity in diversity. During the project we plan a lot of various creative activities, which will allow participants to develop their creativity, present their view of the world from perspective of different cultures and experiences, but most of all have fun and make new friends. The planned tasks and exercises are tools stimulating creativity, what is especially important in social activities and taking new actions for local communities.

Horario de actividades de las becas para viajar a Polonia

intercambio erasmus+


GOSPODARSTWO AGROTURYSTYCZNE «U GÓRALKI» ul. Sądelska 93a 34-531 Murzasichle You will be accommodated in a hotel, sharing rooms with 2, 3 or 4 beds. The canteen and working rooms are within 50m. There is WiFi (be aware that it could be some problems), hot water and everything you might need this week (well… or almost everything – please take your owntowels;)


Transportede las becas para viajar a Polonia (Murzasichle):

Murzasichle is a village located in the south part of Poland, near Zakopane which is known as Polish winter capital. The best way to get there is to travel by car or by bus, you may also travel by train. Therefore please contact the person who is in charge of YE in your NGO and consult travel options with him/her. If you are coming by plane, the nearest airport is in Kraków, Balice. Later you take the bus (or train) to Zakopane/Murzasichle it costs about 15/30 PLN (4/8 EUR). You can find bus from Zakopane Bus Station to Murzasichle, mostly every 30 minutes.

 IMPORTANT. Please confirm buying tickets with your organization and with us. Please notify us about arrival/departure timesto arrange meals and accommodation!


December is a month of winter in Poland. It is usually cold, truly winter weather, with an average temperature of -1C, a high of 2C and a low. Propably we can already be happy within a snow. Be aware the weather may vary, just like in all mountains. Please be prepared for such conditions, take warm clothes and acoat.

Preparaciónde las becas para viajar a Polonia:

Our plan maintains some photography workshops – if it is possible take your devices aswell. Timetable consist also trip to Tatra Mountains, in this case please notify to take some comfortable and proper shoes forwalking. If weather will allows us to go. During the youth exchange there will be organized Intercultural Evening, therefore please be ready to present your country and bring some materials, including your national drinks and snacks. Just a few. Or more than a few…

Accommodation, meal and transportation

The accommodation and meal costs are 100% supported by the applicant organization, and the transportation is supported under the rules of Erasmus+ Programme.

Costes cubiertos de las becas para viajar a Polonia

Travel costs are covered by the programme up to the amount indicated below. They will be reimbursed to the participants or the sending organization upon the presentation of all the original tickets and receipts, including for the return. Note that all participants must leave and come back to their sending country within a reasonable amount of time from the project’s activities (no more than 2 days) in order to be eligible forreimbursement. According to the new Erasmus+ program you can travel by car, which is cheaper and we recommend you this way.

Please check in with us or yoursending organization before proceeding to purchase any tickets. No matter what are you traveling with, please keep tickets or billsfor the gasfrom the day of the travel! We will reimburse the travel costs only due to those documents

 MAXIMUM amount reimbursed per participant Spain 270 €

All traveling, accommodation, catering costs are covered by the Erasmus + Programme. For other expenses (souvenirs, extra food, skiing arena, aqua park etc) each participant should bring money as much as he/she thinks will be needed.

The necessary documents:

● All the original flight/rail/bus tickets and bookings with numbers and price.

● All the original boarding passes; in case of electronic registration the printouts.

● If the payment was via bank wire: ○ The original invoice, signed and stamped by the issuing company. The invoice must have the number, issuer requisites, payer requisites, date, ticket or booking number and travel dates.

○ The bank payment order, stamped and signed by the bank. The payment order must have the invoice number and travel destination.

● If the payment was by card:

○ The bank statement with the relevant card transaction, signed and stamped by the bank.

● The participants should travel to the airports or rail/bus stations using the public transport.

○ Only separate tickets together with the receipts are accepted for reimbursement. E.g. we can’t accept receipts for topping up the permanent transportation card balance.

○ Taxis should be used only if there’s no public transport available or it’s more expensive.

● It is very important to present each document. Failure to do so may result in our inability to reimburse the travel expenses.

● The project doesn’t allow covering travel insurance, yet the participants must present the insurance document for safety reasons.

Organization notes

● Taking into account the educational kind of the project, it is forbidden to use alcohol and other drugs during the project activities.

● The project assumes that attendance in all activities for all the participants must be 100%. Failure to attend the activities may result in our inability to reimburse the travel expenses.


• Please prepare short presentation about your sending organization. We are just curious what you actually do.

• Each of you must bring good/bad cases about sport events in youth work. This will be needed for workshops.


Selection process

You should complete registration in 3 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to with subject «TC Art Poland«. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “TCArt Poland“.

Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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