Voluntariado con niños en Marasesti (Rumanía)


1 becas Erasmus+ para un voluntariado con niños SVE en Bailesti Rumania con todos los gastos pagados de transporte, alojamiento y manutención. El proyecto es para fomentar capacidades emprendedoras en escuelas.

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Perfil voluntariado con niños en Rumanía

Through this Open Call the organization Association  is looking for Volunteers for the YES project

Profile of the Volunteer we seek:
 Aged between 18 to 30 years

 The volunteers who apply for this project need to like and be
willing to work with youth for 6 months.
 active, open-minded, creative, innovative, responsible and motivated volunteers
 The volunteers of this project should, above all else, show willingness to learn and see their EVS experience as a learning process.
 Basic level of English (being able to make herself/himself understood by the others – able to communicate).

Fechas y lugar voluntariado con niños en Rumanía

Type of project: Mobility for youth – European Voluntary Service
Venue: City of Craiova, Dolj county, South West part of Romania
EVS Stage Duration: 15-August-2018 – 15-December-2018
How many volunteers: 5 volunteers in total coming from Italy and Spain.

Grupo objetivo voluntariado con niños

The volunteers will work with the following target groups: children/youngsters 6 – 14 years old.

Actividades voluntariado con niños

The project is set to be implemented in 5 high schools in Craiova implementing 5 youth development programmes for 150 youngsters (aged between 14 and 18 years) with the help of 5 volunteers split resulting in increased knowledge, skills and competences for
the target group and volunteers.


The general objective is to increase self-employment (entrepreneurship) and employment on the labor market for 150 pupils from grades 9-12 from 5 high schools in Craiova with the help of 5 volunteers.

The project is structured in 3 main phases:

A1. Preparation, Adaptation and Training Program (PAT) 1 month, – It’s an intensive program that relies heavily on the fact that volunteers have a good understanding of how entrepreneurship and the labor market work, but also on the idea that volunteers are able to provide additional information besides the activities aiming to increase skills that support the overall success of the project as well as the personal and professional development of the volunteers. The project also focuses on transmitting the theoretical knowledge that
volunteers have in order to be able to work with the beneficiaries.

A2. Entrepreneurship SEED Campaign – 1 month. At this stage, the volunteers, using the skills and information gained during the PAT, will implement an awareness-raising campaign focused on transmitting informations concerning entrepreneurship and the training method to the exercise firms. The campaign will be implemented in the 5 partner institutions and will aim to increase the participants’ interest in the project and the enrollment of the beneficiaries. The activity will consist of group presentations in each school, posting promotional materials about the project and future activities, providing brochures and talking directly with the students. At the end of the month, a roundtable will be held in each institution, attended by both teachers and pupils. The main results of the campaign will be recruiting 150 students to participate in A3, A4 and A5.

A3. Increasing self-employment skills – 2 months. This activity aims at building the skills and the knowledge of a participant in the self-employment process through entrepreneurship. The activity will use as a main method the methodology of the exercise firms in which the students are organized as a simulated enterprise and they learn how to start and manage a business. The methodology has 8 modules (1. What is entrepreneurship,

2. How to start a business, 3. Business plan, 4. Daily business operations, 5. Resource management in an enterprise, 6. Human resources management, 7.Marketing, 8. Preparation for the Exercise Firm Fair). Each module will take place during 2 sessions that use non-formal
methods of transmitting information (games, interactive presentations).

The 150 students will be organized on exercise firms (at least 15 companies).

A4. The Exercise Firm Fair – the last month of the project. In the last month of the project as a final event, we will organize an event where the exercise firms from each institution will participate and promote their business idea. They will prepare product catalogs, marketing plans, promotional materials for their exercise firm, and then present them at the fair. The objective of the event will be to provide visibility to the results of the method, to give beneficiaries an «authentic» experience by simulating a public event and to
test the effectiveness of the training program so far.

The last month of the project will be dedicated to project evaluation and the extent to which it has achieved its objectives. On the basis of the assessment, we will plan future actions. We see the current project as a pilot project for testing the methodology and we will consider expanding the model to include more exercise firms in the future, depending on the success of this project.

Propuestas propias

The above mentioned activities are the general overview but each volunteer has the opportunity to propose, implement and carry on new types of activities bases on previous experiences, personal preferences, skills and abilities and well as have direct control over the methods used to implement the activities.


Sobre la organización

Bailesti Soth West Oltenia region of Romania.
Our mission is to develop, implement and support youth development programs built around the concepts of lifelong learning, mobility and associativity works to empower young people to participate actively in society to improve their own lives.

The aim of this empowerment is to establish a wide-based community movement which encourages the positive involvement of young people in solving issues which affect them, treating them as resources, not as problems.

Resultados aprendizaje esperados

Our methodology of learning by doing or experiential learning places the volunteer at the center of his/her learning process and encourage commitment to it. Each volunteer will have a personalized development plan that targets personal skills as well as professional
skills, a mentor to help guide the volunteer and a counterpart to guide him in working with the target group in the working institutions.

The direct involvement of volunteers in the preparation and implementation of the project, while having permanent support from the organization in terms of tasks, encourages and establishes premises for personal and professional development.

From the point of view of concrete results, volunteers will have the following advantages:

– Learn how to disseminate and multiply information and how to act as trainers for other young people

– Learn more about entrepreneurship, business management, educational methods of exercise firms, and how to operationalize them (break them into more comprehensible components)
– Learn the concepts of self-development, personal and professional development and how to develop the necessary skills on the labor market (how to hunt jobs, how to prepare for an interview, fill in a resume, self-promotion. )
– Learn how to implement a long-term training program
– Learn the steps needed to implement an exercise firm
– Accumulates knowledge and develops skills and competences through teamwork, task division, time management, limited resource management, working with people, planning and evaluating, long-term plans, organizing events, etc.
– Learn how to communicate and work with young people
– Learn more about the ERASMUS + program, with an emphasis on EVS projects, learn about managing these projects
– Learn to use animation and various non-formal methods as a mean of attracting and working with young people
– Learning and gaining skills specifically to the use of certain methods, tools and practices used in youth work
– Learn how to build and maintain a group of young people and involve them in non-formal activities
– Find out how to live on their own in a foreign country and how to develop personal skills such as cooking, taking care of their home, managing a personal budget, learning to live with others, and mutually accommodate existing differences, etc.
– Learn to manage in the host language, but also other languages.
– Learn about project management, conflict management, social assistance and effective communication
– He/She is making new friends
– Find out how HO manages EVS projects: project milestones; rules, responsibilities, developed tools, etc.
– Learn about different cultural traditions and customs through interaction with Romanian people and other volunteers
– Learn how to be tolerant and flexible

Costes incluídos voluntariado con niños


Travel: we will purchase flight tickets while the Sending Organisation will to make sure that the volunteer is well informed, has all documents and gets safely on board.

Local transport: will be covered by ACT, upon arrival they will receive info on how to use public transport, a map of the transit lines etc.
Accommodation: ACT will host the volunteers in rented apartment in the city of Craiova.

Each accommodation will assure good living conditions (4 rooms, 2 bathrooms, private beds, equipped kitchen and bathroom, heating system, running cold/ hot water, Wi-Fi).

Working programme: working hours are flexible and adapted to the schedule of the target institutions and is usually 3-4 hours/day in with the youngsters and 1-2 hours/day for preparing the activities.
Each volunteer is entitled to receiving 2 free days/week (typically weekends but in case that an activity requires work on the weekend the volunteer will be free in the next days) and a total of 12 days of vacation in the project that you can use as you want.

Language support: The volunteers receive Romanian language lessons 2 sessions per week for the first 4 months and 1 session per week for the rest of the project.

Communication: each volunteer will receive a Romanian SIM cards for mobile phones which will be recharged monthly
Financial aspects: International travel, local transport, accommodation and utility fees, monthly communication costs, costs related to activities are covered directly by us.

Monthly food allowance: 120 euro/month

Pocket money: 60 euro/month

Apoyo y formación

The mentor will be responsible for the general personal support of the volunteer. They are in charge of solving practical problems arising being the «first line of support» available. They will be the volunteer’s go-to person for any personal problems as well as being responsible
for guiding the volunteer through the learning process. The mentor will be there to help you identify learning needs and opportunities, help you plan your learning process and help in the self-evaluation.

The counterparts (staff from the schools – teachers/professionals)-that will be supporting the volunteers in the actual implementation process of the activities. They will provide the volunteers with professional support in delivering their activities.
Additional support will be offered by ACT in the form Preparation, Adaptation and Training programme which is a programme designed to transmit all the necessary skill and abilities for the project focusing on skills and abilities building programme, providing them
with methods, tools and

Perfil para el voluntariado con niños

– Young people aged 18-30 years old, motivated to actively engage in voluntary workshops that will address themes such as: equality, social solidarity, social entrepreneurship, respecting the environment, human rights;

– the volunteers should be willing to spend time with children, patient, empathetic, eager to learn new things;

– The volunteers should have good knowledge of English; be willing to learn Romanian, able to work in a team;

– The volunteers should be responsible, flexible, non-discriminatory;

– They should be motivated by this project and able to attend the full duration of the project.

Proceso selección voluntariado con niños

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

  • Video : short video presentation of candidate with them speaking, not an animated video with photos

[button color=»orange» link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger»]Application form and motivation letter[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.comwith subject “EVS Romania Comunitati Enterpreneurship.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME”.

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