Seguimos con ofertas para buscar voluntarios verano con una oferta SVE muy especial. Se trata de la oportunidad de pasar tres meses en Francia durante el verano gracias a un proyecto de restauración del patrimonio cultural y natural. ¿Quieres ser tú uno de ellos? ¡Sigue leyendo!
Fechas voluntarios verano
3-07-2017 // 30-08-2017
Proyecto 1 voluntarios verano : Team 1 – From local heritage enhancement to European citizenship
What is this project for?
As always, we think that to develop tolerance between people, the best way is to meet each other. With this project we intend to make young people from foreign countries to meet each other and to meet locals. This project will give the opportunity to young people to propose and develop their own ideas, it shall give them confidence. We use heritage as a medium because it allows to create bridges between cultures, and to develop the sense of community and European citizenship.
When? Who? Where?
This project will take place in Brittany. The base place will be Rennes, but the group will move to the villages of Chateaugiron and Saint-Thégonnec for 3 weeks each. It will involve 14 volunteers aged between 17 and 30, and from 7 countries : Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Poland, France.
The volunteers will arrive in Rennes on July, 3th and leave on August, 30th. They will have the opportunity to meet 2 other teams of volunteers working on other projects.
The volunteers will have two missions. The renovation of Breton built heritage and the development of relations with locals.
The first worksite will be in Chateaugiron from July, 7th to 28th. Together with a technician they will repoint the joints of a wall near the Castle.
The second worksite will be in Saint Thégonnec from August, 4th to 25th. They will make picketing on the wall inside the old Chapel of Saint-Thégonnec and stabilize the floor of the Kandi du Fer (linen’s whash-house).
Every day, they will split the team to organize actions toward locals. It might be intercultural café, stand on the market, to shot a film… with different topics : the history of the built heritage, the promotion of the project, European mobility programs..
There will be also days to discover and enjoy the region!
The team:
Being a volunteer requires the appropriate profile, commitment, sense of responsibility, open minded and availability for the whole duration of the project. Willing to live a collective experience.
The volunteers will have to deal with a mixed group of different nationalities and create relationships with local communities.
A first experience in volunteering would be a plus as well as knowledge in the conservation of heritage. Interest for Interest for French language and culture.

An important part of this project is the community life. The volunteers will spend a lot of time together, at work or during their free-time. Each day, two of them will have to prepare the food for everybody. They will have to make compromise, to discover new things and put aside some others.
During the work periods they might have to sleep in tents or in a common room. They will have to do physical work outside, share ideas and organize their free time together. They will discover local traditions and local weather!
During the time spent in Rennes, they will have more free time and an individual room: time to relax!
With the European Voluntary Service program, volunteers will get 5 euros per day for their individual expenses. We will provide them food or financial compensation, accommodation, and we will reimburse volunteers travels.
Proyecto 2 voluntarios verano : Team 2 – From local heritage enhancement to European citizenship
What is this project for?
As always, we think that to develop tolerance between people, the best way is to meet each other. With this project we intend to make young people from foreign countries to meet each other and to meet locals. This project will give the opportunity to young people to propose and develop their own ideas, it shall give them confidence. We use heritage as a medium because it allows to create bridges between cultures, and to develop the sense of community and European citizenship.
When? Who? Where?
This project will take place in Brittany. The base place will be Rennes, but the group will move to the villages of Paimpont and Camaret-sur-Mer for 3 weeks each. It will involve 14 volunteers aged between 17 and 30, and from 7 countries : Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Poland, France.
The volunteers will arrive in Rennes on July, 3th and leave on August, 30th. They will have the opportunity to meet 2 other teams of volunteers working on other projects.
The volunteers will have two missions. The enhancement of the Breton heritage and the development of relations with locals.
The first worksite will be in the Biological Station of Paimpont from July, 7th to 28th. Together with a technician they might have to do some masonry works, metal workshops, inventory of biodiversity, maintenance of a pond..
The second worksite will be in Camaret-sur-mer from August, 4th to 25th. They will remove the vegetation and do masonry works on wash-houses and an old water tank of the breton railway company.
Every day, they will split the team to organize actions toward locals. It might be intercultural café, stand on the market, to shot a film… with different topics : the history of the built heritage, the promotion of the project, European mobility programs..
There will be also days to discover and enjoy the region!
An important part of this project is the community life. The volunteers will spend a lot of time together, at work or during their free-time. Each day, two of them will have to prepare the food for everybody. They will have to make compromise, to discover new things and put aside some others.
During the work periods they might have to sleep in tents or in a common room. They will have to do physical work outside, share ideas and organize their free time together. They will discover local traditions and local weather!
During the time spent in Rennes, they will have more free time and an individual room: time to relax!
With the European Voluntary Service program, volunteers will get 5 euros per day for their individual expenses. We will provide them food or financial compensation, accommodation, and we will reimburse volunteers travels.
Cómo convertirse en uno de los voluntarios verano
To apply we still ask for a curriculum vitae, which gives a good idea about the candidate’s previous experiences. But it won’t be determining, we want to hear the reason of their application, to feel their motivation and their creativity! Rather than a letter of motivation or formal interview, we would like them to create a short movie where they talk about themselves the way they want. They can be very creative, but it has to answer to some questions : Who are you ? Why are you interested in this project ? What do you think about camping, to live in community in a foreign country during two months and to do physical work, do you have previous experiences ? Do you have any ideas to meet local people? What are your hobbies?
Those elements have to be sent before 2nd May, the results of the selection will be disseminated on 15th May.
For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included
– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.
Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.
[button color=»purple» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]
[button color=»orange2″ link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]
All documents written in English you can attach below with subject:
PROJECT 1 “EVS Etienne Project 1 Summer 2016. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to
PROJECT 2 “EVS Etienne Project 2 Summer 2016. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to
Carmen Sánchez-Ramade Rodrígue
15 mayo, 2017 at 1:31 pmse sabe cuando dicen los seleccionados?
Gala Trives
15 mayo, 2017 at 4:35 pmHola! he encontrado en la base de datos del SVE de estos dos proyectos, que remiten a vosotros como organización de envío. En la base de datos general aparece como fecha límite para las candidaturas el 31/05, pero leyendo aquí entiendo que la convocatoria está ya cerrada… ¿Es así? Quería confirmar, porque me interesarían mucho ambos proyectos. ¡Gracias!
Yes Europa
15 mayo, 2017 at 6:23 pmHola Carmen, creemos que ya se están poniendo en contacto con vosotras, si no lo hacen en una semana contáctanos de nuevo!
Yes Europa
15 mayo, 2017 at 6:24 pmHola, lo sentimos pero ya está cerrado el plazo. Alternativamente para verano tienes otras becas Erasmus+: quizás te puedan interesar los intercambios o cursos de corta duración con todos los gastos pagados: solo quedan libres de momento estas actividades:
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