Servicio Voluntario Europeo en guarderías de Polonia (Elfik)


Our Foundation – Fundacja Inicjatyw TwA3rczych (FIT) was established in 2010 by the group of friends who wanted to act on the field of education, culture and art. Our main goals are to activate the local community, support the local initiatives and develop the idea of the civil society. Our Foundation cooperates with the organizations and institutions connected with culture, education and art. We organize projects, festivals and workshops with them.

Last year we managed to do the short film festival- BOBER movie, the Festival for the young people interested in films who wanted to tell something about themselves through a short film. The main goal of this project was to encourage young people to talk about their view of the world, their interests and themselves as well. BOBER MOVIE festival will be continued next year.

As an organization we supports the non-formal groups, giving them space to act and advising them. We promote the idea of voluntary service, we are helping people who are interested in voluntary service by linking the organizations and volunteers. The main activity of FIT is running the Elfik Club. The main goal of Elfik is to help parents to look after their children. The children who participate in Elfik are 2-5 years old. Elfik provides more activities for children for example Christmas party, New year party, Carnival party, Easter party. We also support parents in managing the behaviour of their children and advising them when a child gives signs of challenging behaviour.

Project environment:
Fundacja Inicjatyw TwA3rczych -FIT (Foundation of the Creative Initiatives) is run by a group of friends who likes to work in a non profit sector. FIT is actively supporting ELFIK – Club (place for children between 2-5 years). Elfik is created for children whose parents are working and are not able to look after their kids all day long. It is open between 7am.and 4pm. We provide educational program for children’s development in different groups of age. Activities are based on weekly themes and include; Crafting, Dressing Up, Educational Trips and Outside activities. As well as some other stuff like: Story time – Puzzles and games – Role Play – Music – Pre reading activities, Reading.


We’re involving the students and volunteers in our activities in Elfik. We sometimes involve parents in our activities.Whole Club is in a big house with pretty nice garden where children can have fun. Also there is plenty of space inside, including big playing room with a range of needed equipment, small kitchen and some space for messy playing with paints or things like that.

ELFIK is located in Tarnow-Moscice in the same building as the FIT’s office.


It takes 5 minutes by a bus to get to TarnA3w-Moscice from the centre of the city.

Population of TarnA3w is about 130000 inhabitants, TarnA3w is located in the south-east Poland very close to the mountains. The nearest bigger city is Cracow, 80km away.
Tarnow is a beautiful city with a lot of renaissances buildings, very nice old town with a lot of places for the young people and with big number of facilities like swimming pool, cinemas, theatre.


Our volunteers will work in ELFIK- club for the children. They will be involved in daily activities, proposed for children, like: inside activities: crafts, cutting and sticking, painting, dough, cooking, story time, singing and music; outside activities: gardening, swinging, sliding and outside play. The main role for volunteers will be helping with organization of daily activities for the children, assisting and helping during the trip to the parks, local library play grounds. Volunteers also will be encouraged to organize some activities for children, by their own.

The other task for the volunteers will be observation of children’ development, they will describe the progress that children will make, what they like or don’t like, what things are easy for them and what make some difficulties. Volunteers also will take photos of children and organize every photo into the photo-diary with some notes about children. Photo diaries will be send to parents every week by e-mail.

Volunteers will help in organization of the playgroup for children 0-6 years old and their parents from TarnA3w. Once in a month such play group will be organized in ELFIK Club.
The idea of the play group is to provide learning and general development for children, encourage their parents to get out of their houses and join it, especially the unemployment mothers/fathers, mothers on maternity leave or grandparents who look after the children at home. During the play groups children will be able to express themselves by as well messy and creative play. At our Play Groups children will have lots of opportunities to develop their creativeness. The roles of volunteers will be; helping with organization of play group, planning the activities for children and parents/grandparents, leading some part of the meetings. Also, being in touch with parents- sending them e-mails in which they will inform parents/grandparents about the activities that ELFIK will provide for their children.

Volunteers will be doing updates on the Elfik website- galleries, news. They will be planning the promotion of the ELFIK club in the city, making parties (like Charismas party, Easter party, preparing leaflets or posters).

Learning opportunities:
Our volunteers will get knowledge about development of children in their early years. They will learn about organization of activities for the children in different age groups. They will learn how to observe the children and they will assist them in their next steps of their development. Volunteers will gain knowledge of children’s behaviour and how to provide a framework for handling that behaviour in a childcare setting. Volunteers will learn strategies for promoting positive behaviour in children.

They will have opportunity to learn how to manage the website, publish the information, photographies on the website. They will get knowledge how to use a simple program to make publications, like scribus (used to make diaries for the parents) and posters, leaflets.
They will have opportunity to work in a team. They will work with the ElLFIK team making evaluations and planning the activities, talking about children development and planning next steps of it Also, stimulating them by some games or plays. Volunteers will also participate in meetings of our foundation’s team. They will be given the opportunity to gain the knowledge about working in 3rd sector in Poland.


Volunteer Profile:
Because our project is strictly connected with working with children (2-5years old) we are looking for people who:
-like to work with children
-are motivated
-are optimistic
-are open up to others and do not have any problems with making relationships
-are creative and can organize some activities for children (they should know how to play with them, can animate the group of children)
-have some knowledge about stages of children’s development, understand being a person who plays the main role in
stimulating their development.
-can work in team
-are eager to learn new things, are patient, consequent, have a good attitude to work.

Process of recruitment

We will do our best to be fair to all the volunteers interested in our project. That is why the proccess of recruitment will be regulated by our policy of recruitment which will be sent to our candidates. That policy will regulate two stages of recruitment:

In 1st stage we will send the questionnaire to all volunteers who contacted with us. The goal of this survey is to provide us the information about motivation and previous experience in working with children. We assume that the previous experience is not required but people who already have some experience in that type of work will get some additional points in our process.

2nd stage is a meeting with our team (some members of our organization and the people directly connected with the project, like coordinator or mentor). The team will choose the volunteers among the questionnaires and so more information will be send to the ones that were chosen.

If it will be necessary we will contact with some candidates, by Skype, during the process of recruitment in order to examine their motivation.
All candidates will receive an information about the result of our process of recruitment.

EVS will start on 1st December 2014 for 12 months.

In order to apply, you need to send  your motivation letter and CV in English to with subject EVS Poland FIT. Your sending organisation will be Building Bridges, please make sure you write it on your motivation letter.

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