Training Course“CAN&DO – Capability of Creativity and Culture for Change-Doing” (KA1 – Mobility of youth workers).
CURSO COMPLETO, pero tenemos más cursos Erasmus+ aquí
from 4th (arrival day) to the 12th of July 2015 (departure day).
The ENP-East countries showed strong differences in the unemployment rate by age, which was also the case in the EU. The unemployment rate of people aged15–24 years was at least twice as high as for persons aged 25–74 years in all ENP-East countries (ENP–East countries, Youth statistics, Eurostat, 2014). In the EU-28, at 23.4 %, more than one out of every five young persons in the labour force was not employed (Unemployment statistics, Eurostat, 2014).
As nowadays knowledge is the most strategic source and learning is the most strategic process, the CAN & DO will be carried out with the aim to provide youth worker with the ready-to-use methods on how to assist youngsters with the competences needed to become integrated into and empowered to the knowledge-based society. As young people are a priority for EU’s social vision, and the current crisis compounds the need to sustain the young human capital (Eurostat), the TC’s vision of development of young human & social capital lies in unfolding creativity, entrepreneurial & innovative culture and “can-do” attitude.
-to examine the nature and boost the understanding of knowledge-based society & knowledge-based economy, human & social capital, sustainable/inclusive/smart growth;
-to stimulate creativity, entrepreneurial & innovative culture and “can-do” attitude by means of the Reciprocal Maieutic Approach, creative thinking and idea-generating tools;
-to cultivate and valorise the practice of the Reciprocal Maieutic Approach as a technique for young people empowerment and social transformation;
-to provide youth workers, peer educators and social activists with ready-to-use methods, outstanding knowledge, skills and competences on how to trigger development of the social and human capital through the RMA, hence to enable them to act as an multi-players dealing with young people (ex. NEETs, future entrepreneurs etc.);
-to improve the quality and increase the volume of cooperation between participating organisations throughout and in between the EU and Eastern Partnership countries;
-to disseminate information on the EU current programmes/policies/initiatives, mainly EU 2020 Strategy and a conducive role of its flagship initiatives for empowerment of young people as well as European Year of Development 2015.
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2 students from Building Bridges Association
Travel costs
up to 275€ return ticket from Spain.
REMIND: In order to get the reimbursement of part of the travel costs, participants will be requested to give to the hosting organisation the following documents: flight tickets and reservations, receipts of payment, round trip boarding passes, and other tickets/proofs of expenses of other means of transport (bus, train, etc.) from participants’ home to Palermo and vice versa.
REMIND: After your selection, if your arrival/departure day is different from the dates of the TC, you will need to contact the hosting organisation before purchasing the tickets, otherwise there’s a risk that the travel costs won’t be recognized. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants
Accommodation and meals will be fully covered during the days of the training (except during the free time).
The target groups for participants to the TC are youth workers & youth leaders, youth advisors & peer educators, workers of intermediary organisations, social activists.
Hosting organisation will take care of all the logistical arrangement. Please, note that the participants will share the rooms (2-3 pers. by room) and due to the capacity of the hostel it will not be possible to have individual rooms (please be sure that all participants are informed about these conditions prior to their involvement in the Training Course). We will send you a questionnaire to be filled in with participant’s data once they are identified, and they will be able to let us know any special need they might have.
We have just one place left so be hurry!
Selection process
You should complete registration in 2 steps:
1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to with subject «TC Palermo Can&Do». Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “TC Palermo Can&Do“ till the 15th May 2015.
Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.
2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities.
* It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.
If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants
What do our participants say?
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Han pasado tres meses desde que empezó mi aventura de Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Polonia, mis días aquí son intensos… Seguir leyendo[/tab][tab title=»Luis con beca Erasmus+»]
Me dirigí a Sassari para mi Training Course con becas Erasmus+ que ofrecen desde Building Bridges con cierto desconocimiento, puesto que yo siempre me he dedicado a la enseñanza formal, y no había experimentado previamente este tipo de encuentros. Dos personas por país, ocho países y un entorno con gran encanto, la ciudad sarda de Sassari.… Seguir leyendo[/tab][/tabgroup]
29 abril, 2015 at 7:25 pmHola! quería preguntar sobre la application form, de donde se descarga? gracias.
30 abril, 2015 at 4:36 pmHola, una vez seleccionada te facilitaremos la solicitud para detallar temas logísticos, alimentación, alergias, etc… suerte!
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