Becas en Suecia para seminario sobre voluntariado europeo


Practical Information

Date: inclusive travel dates: 27th November – 3rd December 2016.

Location: Örkelljunga, Sweden

Each organisation will send one youth leader and one youth with fewer opportunities. It will be same people who will join main youth exchange. The project will be planed in APV. So it is important to have youth leader and youth who can take responsible.

Youth exchange:

Project Dates inclusive travels: 27th November – 3rd December 2016

Project Location: Örkelljunga, Sweden

Project Type: Training Course

Örkelljunga is situated in the northwestern part of the province of Skåne. The municipality of Örkelljunga is a recreational area, which contains beautiful lakes and forests. The short distance to Denmark and the European continent makes Örkelljunga a suitable municipality. 10.000 inhabitants are living in Örkelljunga.

Project Description

Volunteering is one of the affective way to support the society. In EU there are many NGO who are providing local volunteering. Besides local volunteering International volunteering increases in global world. EVS is one of the international opportunity for many young people from all over the world. 2016 is the year of celebration for EVS. It will be 20 year program which many young people had this opportunity to develop personal and professional skills.

Inter-cultural competence and Employability of the young people are main two area that EVS provide for young people. However there are many organizations in EU who do not know about EVS and how EVS can be opportunity for increasing employability and interculturality for volunteers. Especially it is not well known in Sweden. Even if several youth organizations who are accredited this opportunity can include some challenges for the organizations and volunteers who are involved in EVS projects. One of the way to decrease challenges is to create a meeting place for people who have different roles in EVS projects. As hosting organisation we learned from our mistakes about EVS projects and we would like to share these experiences with other EVS organization as well as to hear their experiences. Lastly each organization have different way of working for increasing employability and interculturality. This project can be a platform for youth worker to create a network to exchange methods and activities for high quality EVS projects.

The purpose of this project is to bring organizations who have EVS accreditation and who are willingly to have an accreditation after this project. We want to create a discussion forum that can lead possible future collaboration and build a network among youth workers who work in these organizations. Therefore the profile of participants are very important . We are going to involve youth workers, EVS mentors, task related supervisor and volunteers who would think to be part of EVS project in future or who has done EVS project recently. To bring participants who have different aspects and roles in EVS projects will lead fruitful discussions and understanding. This will increase the quality of EVS project and promote new possibilities.

There are many organizations who are new in EVS and hosting organisation is one of them. We don’t need to invent the wheel again. With this project we will have chance to see different practices about project management, practical arrangements, volunteers perspectives, validation of non formal learning, cooperation between mentor, supervisor and volunteer.

Project Aim

The main objectives with our project is

– to share methods and best practices about volunteering in local and international level.

– to increase quality of EVS projects through focusing on employability and interculturality.

– to provide at least the possibility to youth workers active in EVS projects throughout Europe the tools and knowledge they need to improve the quality of their EVS projects in terms of raising the employability of their EVS volunteers

– to increase communication and collaboration between organizations and let organizations to create new EVS project in future or apply for accreditation.

– to support organizations who works with EVS and increase management skills through sharing practical tools.

– to increase knowledge how to deal with conflict before, during and after EVS project.

– to create new and innovative ideas and methods about dissemination of EVS projects with ICT tools.

– to increase awareness of youth worker about their roles in EVS.


Based on our overall objectives we want to focus on European citizenship, Cultural Diversity and Youth Participation. All the participants who will join to our project are European Citizen and this project will help to collaborate these citizens in future projects. There will be 3 participants from 13 countries which will reflect cultural diversity in our project. Each youth worker will make a information meeting with local youth and share experience from the project. In this way more young people will be involved in to project.


One of the priorities from Erasmus Plus Youth is democracy and participation and the project will consider young people in all stages of the project process. This will include planning, activities and dissemination. This will increase the active citizenship and inter-cultural dialogue in local and EU level. Secondly another priority area will be employability, learning and competencies


When we talk about raising employability levels in this application form we refer mostly to:

– developing transversal skills (communication, teamwork, initiative etc.),

– personal development (eg: learning to cope with emotions, pressure, deadlines, managing personal finances, living with others etc),

– professional development (eg: digital skills, working with different groups of beneficiaries, developing specific skills related to the tasks etc),

– entrepreneurship.


Volunteer Profile

When our project get funded we will send a document to our partner about the profile of the participants.

– The participants to the main activities of the project are EVS Coordinators / Project Managers and people involved or responsible for implementing EVS projects in their organization.

– The participants who are working in youth work and would like to improve him or herself in European Volunteer Service.

– The participants who has experience in mentoring and task related supervising related to hosting organization

– The participants who would like to build a network about future collaboration in EVS projects.

– The participants who has been EVS volunteer and would like to share his or her experience during project activity

– The participants who are willingly to be EVS volunteers and need to know more about EVS opportunities.

The number of participants per organization will be same. Each organization will try to bring EVS project coordinator, Task related supervisor or mentor and a volunteer from the organization who has done EVS or willingly to do EVS. Organizations who do not have accreditation can bring volunteers who would like to be part of EVS team when they go back.

It means there will be 3 participants from each organization.

In terms of needs, the participants want to discuss together how they can improve the quality of their work in terms of EVS, how can they become more efficient, make things easier and ensure a smooth project implementation while making sure that the whole Service will provide important skills for raising the volunteers need. They want to exchange good practices, find useful, hands-on tools that can really be implemented/used and eventually to have a larger impact, to feel that they are contributing to something bigger and useful. Of course, there is also the aspect of interculturality, discovering new cultures, seeing how EVS projects are tackled in different cultures.


The activities are and will be constantly adapted to the needs of the participants, because we see this as critical to any project`s success, especially in an international setting. From now until the activity takes place many things can still change in terms of needs, so we will update our knowledge by providing an in-depth analysis on the participants involved, where we will  ask specific questions to discover exactly the needs, ideas and other details that will help us organize a very useful seminar.

– Please consider also gender balance when you choose the participants.

Travel to Örkelljunga

Please don’t buy any ticket without a confirmation from us. You have 360 € maximum total budget . 

Most of the people will arrive to Kastrup Airport (Copenhagen Denmark). There are trains to Helsingborg from the airport. Then you will take the bus to continue to Örkelljunga Center.

We will take you to the project place, which is located in the forest. You can check the times of the train and bus from this webpage:

You can buy tickets in automat or in the ticket office. If you buy through automat it will ask you if you are travelling through the bridge or ferry. You should choose the bridge option.

Total travel from airport to Örkelljunga Center is around 2 hours. The ticket you buy is valid in train and bus (don’t buy separate ticket). You can use your credit card to buy tickets. The price will be around 20 Euro per person per way to Örkelljunga.

Check this video to buy ticket from automat:

If you arrive to Malmö you can take shuttles to the city center Malmö or Lund then you will take the same train and bus. You can check the same webpage.

Just send us a sms or whatsapp or facebook message that you are in the train or bus. If you have some problems with a delay or transport just inform us so that we can collaborate with volunteers to solve problems. My phone:0046 736 1234 62

Financial Conditions

– As usual, food and accommodations are provided and paid by us

– IMPORTANT: If you are not travelling from your country please tell us in advance because our National Agency may not accept the travel cost and the project expenses!

– It is important that group is travelling together.

Covered costs:

As foreseen by the Erasmus Plus Programme, it is covered the amount for travel costs in relation to the distance from you home-place to Örkelljunga. You should buy your tickets and bring them with you to Sweden including the invoice and the boarding Pass. Taxi costs and car fuel are not eligible.

– We will collect all tickets and boarding pass during the project. When you send the other boarding passes hosting organisation you’ll receive the reimbursement through bank transfer to the organisation bank account within one month.

– Everyone has to keep boarding passes and give them to us

– Please insure yourself: insurance is not covered by the project’s costs. You can bring your European Health Card which can support your emergency health issues.

– Sweden has Swedish Krona as the currency.

It is possible to exchange the money in airport. There is not possibility to exchange money in Örkelljunga. You can make all purchase with credit card in Sweden.

Meals and Accommodation

Breakfast will be served at Strandhem ( where all the participants will be accommodated. Lunch and dinner will be served at their restaurant. The menus will be fixed, balanced, will include healthy food as much as possible and will take into account vegetarians and other dietary needs. Participants will have chance to use the kitchen to cook for intercultural evenings if they need.

You will be accommodated in 4 or 5 person rooms at Strandhem, which is located by lake and in the nature. Internet will be available in the whole accommodation place. There will be opportunity to have sauna, sport hall, big dining room for evenings and workshop rooms at the same time.

– Strandhem is a place where it is not allowed to drink alcohol. We will provide some options for those who would like to drink alcohol.

Participation Form and Fee

Each participant will provide 20 Euro as participation fee that will be used for other cost that project does not cover, apart from the fee from YesEuropa.

What to Bring and important to remember

– Hairdryers if you need

– Comfortable clothes and shoes for some workshops

– Materials/information about your organization

– Typical food and drinks

– Flag of your countries

– Running shoes and other sport clothes

– Dont forget to bring your own towel.

– The place where we will stay belongs to church. We dont have other option to host you in our small village. Therefore alcohol is restricted.

– We highly recommend you to bring your own flip-flop or inside shoes because you will not be able to use outdoor shoes in workshop rooms.

– Participants will stay in mix group from different countries and divided according to gender.

– We will have a film workshop. so it is needed to bring at least one laptop and one camera from each country.

– Each country will have chance to introduce intercultural evening. Bring your own deserts, food, music, dances, flags, your currency etc… We will have not so much opportunity to buy things in the villige. So bring the things as much as you can.

– We will have oscar night so it can be good to have nice clothes for that night.

– We will wait you in front station with car and take you to accommodation place.

When you take bus from Helsingborg please inform us.

Selection process


Building Bridges users and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your CV  and motivation letter to the e-mail below. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “TC Sweeden Enes.YOURNAME.YOUR SURNAME“.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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  • Mirabel
    16 noviembre, 2016 at 11:03 am

    Hola! Si eres desempleado de larga duración también
    tienes que pagar los 40 euros?

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