Curso de formación en Rumanía “New Tools For non-formal Educators”


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Date of the Erasmus+ Training Course:

16 February – 23 February 2015


Brasov, Romania

Nr of participants:

4 Youth Workers (gender balance is preferable)

Age of the participants:

20-35 years old

Partner Countries:

Albania, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Spain, Italia, Bulgaria, Romania

Food and accommodation are 100% covered.

Transport is covered up to these amounts:

Albania: 275 Euro/participant

Bulgaria: 180 Euro/participant

Latvia: 275 Euro/participant

Lithuania: 275 Euro/participant

Spain: 360 Euro/participant

Greece: 275 Euro/participant

Italia: 275 Euro/participant

* If participants find more expensive travel flights, they should cover the difference between this amount and the price of their ticket as a co-financing.

Participants will have to buy the tickets in advance and they will receive the money as soon as they send the travel documents.

Eligible means of transport: bus, train, personal car, plane.

Participants can arrive a couple days earlier or leave few days later. Brasov have an airport (maybe you find a flight directly, if not take to Bucharest and from there you can take a train – this aspects we’ll discus after you arranged your transport). 

Project summary:

«New Tools for Non-formal Educators» is a project that involves 32 youth workers with ages between 20 and 35 from eight different countries that will be working together during a training course, within which we will promote new non-formal education methods and new digital tools for facilitate and improve the work with young people with disabilities.

The target group is represented by youth workers that work or want to begin to work with young people with disabilities.

The objectives of the project:

1. Increasing the involvement of 32 youth workers with ages between 20 to 35 in activities aimed at working with young people with disabilities for 10 days.

2. Exchange of experience between trainer and participants on working with young people disabilities.

3. Increased awareness of 32 youth workers on the existence of non-formal education methods and digital applications designed to ease working with youth with disabilities.

4. Acquiring skills working in intercultural teams of the 32 youth worker of 8 partner countries over 10 days.

5. Promoting Erasmus + among the 32 youth worker on the facilities that this program offers to young people with disabilities.


In 3 steps:

1. Please fill this application form.

2. Send it to with subject «TC Romania»

3. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

¡¡SOLO QUEDA 1 PLAZA!! Tienes más cursos Erasmus+ en esta sección.

ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB


    24 noviembre, 2014 at 12:50 pm

    Buenas ¿Con quién puedo ponerme en contacto para informarme mejor sobre el Curso de formación en Rumanía New Tools For non-formal Educators?
    Un saludo

  • admin
    24 noviembre, 2014 at 4:01 pm

    Contestamos dudas a través de los comentarios de esta convocatoria. un saludo,

  • Blanca
    26 noviembre, 2014 at 11:58 pm

    Hola! he estado leyendo la convocatoria, estoy bastante interesada pero me quedan muchos cabos por atar… ¿Se exige tener una titulación mínima? ¿Es obligatorio pagar los 40 euros solo por enviar el «application form»? ¿Hay plazo límite de entrega de la documentación? ¿Hay algún requisito indispensale aparte de la edad?

    Espero vuestra respuesta,
    muchas gracias

  • admin
    27 noviembre, 2014 at 10:01 am

    Hola, no hay ninguna titulación, solo que tengas interés o provengas del mundo asociativo juvenil y programas europeos y te interese el tema que se trate.
    Es obligatorio realizar la inscripción y pagar la matrícula. No hay fecha límite , sólo por orden de llegada, ahora mismo ya queda solo una plaza. No hay requisito de edad.
    un saludo

  • juan
    4 febrero, 2015 at 2:10 am

    Buenas noches, queda alguna plaza? Gracias

  • admin
    4 febrero, 2015 at 9:50 am

    Si, ahora mismo hay una plaza disponible, te aconsejamos que nos envíes la documentación lo antes posible a y procedas al pago. Un saludo

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