Curso sobre radio en Madrid para crear una radio online


Si te gusta la comunicación y te entusiasma la radio no te pierdas este curso sobre radio becado por el programa Erasmus+ que tendrá lugar en Madrid en octubre. Junto con otros jóvenes aprenderás a crear una radio online y a desarrollar su programación.

Puedes consultar otros cursos financiados por el programa Erasmus+ aquí.

Fechas del curso sobre radio

The training course will take place in Madrid between the 22nd and the 26th of October, 2018.

El proyecto

The idea of the project Broadcasting Europe comes from the desire of creating a cooperation network and a transnational exchange between no profit and institutional European bodies based in 4 different countries: Italy, Greece, Poland and Spain. The overall aim of the project is to promote the knowledge and the skills of the partners involved and put it in an international network in order to make them more aware about their potential and development.

The project focuses on the use of web radios to facilitate the communication on different levels. A web radio can represent a sample tool and a space where it is possible to share free opinions and ideas. The project wants to replicate and broaden this phenomenon at a European level by this network strategy. This tool will be used, for example, by those organizations that want to facilitate the access to the public to some opportunities within the Erasmus+ programme (e.g. EVS) or simply disseminate the results of some project achieved. The importance to have a variegated network is important then.

Objetivos del proyecto

– promote the startup of social enterprises, focused on the creation of nonprofit web radio, managed by youth staff, students and youth volunteers of the partners involved;
– stimulate the development of skills (formal and non-formal) required to manage a social enterprise in the media sector;
– improve the ability of partners to cooperate at a European level, using innovative tools such as the web radio;
– develop the capacity of partners to cooperate at a European level to diffuse replicable training models to create social enterprises and social enterprises in the media sector.

El curso sobre radio en Madrid

The training course will take place between the 22nd and the 26th of October in Madrid where 20 young people will participate. The course will take place in English. The travel, lodging and food expenses are not covered by the project.

It is a non-formal training made in the 4 Countries involved in the project, with the goal to support the youth staff of the partners to create and develop a web radio in their organization. In particular, the itinerant training will be focused on three axes:

– technical training to transfer the basic knowledge for the creation of a youthoriented non-profit web radio;
– entrepreneurial training to support the organization and young people in the startup and development of their social enterprise (No Profit Web Radio);
– laboratory development of other youth social entrepreneurship ideas.

The course will last 5 days and afterwards the participants are expected to engage in the project for six more months, where they will continue with the project to develop a local web radio together with a tutor.

Contenido del curso

Day 1
1. Presentation and introduction of each partner involved, and what everyone should expect from the knowledge transfer, through a short questionnaire.
2. Discussion and sharing the points revealed in the questionnaires.
3. Introduction of the history of radio and web radio. Listening to some important radio’s speeches (for example by Giacomo Stuart / Churchill).
4. A short explanation about various and different types of radio’s formats.

Day 2
1. What kind of licenses are required to start a web radio.
2. Explanation of the components which made a web radio, in terms of different software and hardware.
3. How to carry out the first rehearsals of directing, with a special focus on the rules and behaviors of the director.

Day 3
1. Introduction of the speaker figure.
2. The ten rules to become a good radio speaker.
3. Teaching the speaker’s techniques.
4. Practical exercises, by making recordings.

Day 4
1. The editorial work: some tips and suggestions about its function; to explain once more the different types of format.
2. How to prepare a web radio show.
3. Performing the first live test.
4. Listening and correction of accent, elocution etc.
5. Practice.

Day 5
1. How to manage a web radio.
2. How to spread and promote a web radio.
3. Practice through role-playing games.

Perfil de los participantes

The project is aimed at young people aged 17 to 30 years old.

The participants should have a special interest in media and communication and must be able to communicate in English.

Proceso selección para el curso sobre radio en Madrid

You should complete registration by July 31st 2018:

Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «YE Madrid Radio.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

[button color=»orange2″ link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application Form YesEuropa[/button]


What do our participants say?

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