Intercambio parque natural de Lituania


Participa en este intercambio en parque natural con becas europeas en Lituaniapara cursos Erasmus+ con todos los gastos pagados.

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fechas Intercambio parque natural Lituania

Dates of the Advance Planned visit: 26-28 April 2018

Dates of Youth Exchange in LT: 22 – 29 JULY , 2018 (Arrival:21 July, Departure 30 July)

Place: J. Matulaicio sq.3, Vilnius, Lithuania (it is community center were main activities will take place) and couple days of the program will be organized in Neries river’s regional park (10 kilometers out of capital in the nature), where we will sleep in the tents.

Planed Group: Size: 36 participants from 6 countries (5 + 1 leader), 14-30 years

Priority to participate in Youth Exchange is given for youngsters having fewer opportunities.
Participating countries: Estonia, Georgia, Belarus, Lithuania, Macedonia, Spain.

The exchange has 3 phases (all compulsory, see below).


Participants should agree on these commitments:

1. To participate in all 3 phases (preparation, exchange & follow up) of Youth Exchange project:

2. At preparation phase participants should:
 meet in national group for setting personal goals for exchange
 To meet/visit person/project which tries to live in non mainstream culture way (f.e. hospice, refuge employment center; homeless shelter) and to have conversation of why it is important to live authentically.
 To make small (~ 10 hours) volunteering experience at the "authentic" place, solving some challenges of local community

3. at follow up phase, after youth exchange, participants will have to:
 Find time to evaluate outcomes of the exchange;
 implement at home countries small exhibition or other event/action promoting more solidarity next to us

Sobre el intercambio parque natural en Lituania

The main idea of the project: to experience, to share, to create and to analyze how I could contribute to my community that it would have more solidarity and harmony between poor and rich, between nature and human and between different members of my community.

In this way we want to inspire participant’s pro-activity and courage to accept their own strong and weak sides; to recognize their individual needs; to develop their self-confidence.
During the project we want to acknowledge,-what participants could do to have more inclusion of socially excluded groups (like disable, children at risk, refugees…);

During the exchange we will have time for:
 Getting critical view on the mainstream thinking through discussions and actions in small international groups;
 Discovering how to say NO to attractive “time killers” and have time for personal reflection and diaries;
 Experiencing slow life in the nature (3 nights in tents);
 Working in regional park’s forest ;
 Stepping out of my comfort zones;
 Inspiring participant’s pro-activity and courage to accept their own strength and weaknesses
 Making event for local people inspiring them to be more tolerant


 Costes cubiertos por las becas intercambio parque natural Lituania

Meals and accommodation in Lithuania: All meals and accommodation costs during Youth Exchange will be covered from EU Erasmus+ project’s money and for participants will be free of costs. (p.s. Living conditions will be simple: sleeping on the matrices with given sleeping bags. Meals will be served from

Project is funded by EU:


Transport from Spain 360€ maximum.

We will need to receive all original tickets including boarding passes, train/bus/plane tickets and all other receipts to be able to refund.
Participants should use the most economic ways as possible to travel.

Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon full attendance in the TC activity and presentation of the original tickets with boarding passes and receipt/invoices.

Some important Notes:
1. Before booking your tickets, you need our  approval first, because we need to check, prior to your payment, that everything is all right and there will be no problem with reimbursement. As soon as you have searched for the best option for you to travel to Edessa, please send us an e-mail.
your travel details with their cost (snapshot) in order to approve it.

Without approval by us, do not proceed with buying the tickets!

2. Reimbursement will be done in EURO, regardless of the currency indicated on your ticket and receipt/invoice. Please note if you bought
your ticket in your local currency and this is different to EURO, we will calculate your travel costs according to the exchange rates from the official European Commission web-site, with regard to the month of ticket purchase

3. If participants pay for their ticket with a credit card, they are requested to bring along the confirmation of payment (i.e. credit card slip and/or
bank statement).

4. Please make copies (or even better, scan or take photographs) of all tickets and invoices and email them to us before
attending the project. This will be very helpful for us organisers to begin processing the financial and reimbursement data so that all payments can be made as efficiently as possible after the TC.

5. Don’t forget that in all your tickets (they can be electronic ones of course), your ticket price and names should be written and stated clearly.

6. We need also a copy of your passport with your personal details. So please scan it and send it



Reembolso becas Erasmus

Costs transport covered: Spain- 360 Euros

All your principal costs during the training are taken in charge by the Erasmus + program (food, accommodation, training, etc.). About the travel cost from your home to our place, Erasmus+ program is taking a part of the cost. You can do a simulation on this website:

You have to buy your tickets and the reimbursement will be done a month or two after the end of the activities. Taxis will not be reimbursed.

We need your travel documents (boarding pass, tickets, invoices) to be able to reimburse you, so MAKE SURE YOU KEEP ALL YOUR TICKET RECEIPTS!

The reimbursements will be proceeded by bank transfer after the exchange upon sending all travel documents and international bank details. Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon full attendance of the project and presentation of the original travel tickets with boarding passes, receipts, invoices.

Reimbursement will be done in EURO, regardless of the currency indicated on the ticket and receipt/invoice. Any tickets purchased in a local currency other than EUR0, will then be converted and calculated according to the exchange rate of the month when the ticket/s were purchased, as stated in the official European Commission web-site.

If you wish to travel on other dates than the dates of the exchange, please take contact with the organizers before purchasing your tickets! Please plan your trip carefully.

Early arrivals or late departures will be the own responsibility of the participants.

According to the NA the arrival and travel back must be realized by participants within maximum of 2 days. In case of longer stays or indirect travel (holiday travel, etc) there is no chance of reimbursement. Also, if you want to stay one or two days longer, before or after the training course, we will not be able to host you at the training course’s location and you will have to find a place to stay at your own. If you have difficulties with it, contact us. Please note that the organizers will not provide any additional accommodation outside the dates of the exchange!

Coordinator organization will transfer travel expenses to your sending organization and they are the ones who will give you your travel expenses back. Travel expenses will be reimbursed the latest one month after the submission of the final report and to get them you will have to do all participants tasks, including ones before and after mobility as stated under participants’ tasks .Every participant is obligated to actively participate in all activities. In a case of missing out more than 10% of activities participants travel expenses won’t be reimbursed and participant is risking getting expelled from the project and sent back home on their own expenses.

Seguro becas intercambio parque natural de Lituania

Remember health insurance is your responsibility, so make sure you have medical insurance. Also you are required to have travel insurance.Pleasenote that eachparticipant isrequired to have travel insuranceand health insurance and it is not reimbursable as it is your choice with which company and plan suits you.
Travel Insurance (For participants from EUcountriesthe European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)is advised!).

Otherwise, the cheapest insurance for Erasmus+ grants is

Proceso selección para las becas Lituania

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form (sent after payment), CV and motivation letter to Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «YE Honey Tomas.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

[button color=»brown» link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file»]Application form[/button]

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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