Becas Erasmus para intercambios Alemania sobre tolerancia y racismo


9 becas Erasmus para intercambios Alemania con el Programa Erasmus  con todos los gastos pagados de transporte, alojamiento y manutención. Si quieres conocer más becas Alemania Yes Europa puede ayudarte.

Fechas y lugar intercambios Alemania

TITLE OF THE PROJECT Picture Tolerance

VENUE OF THE PROJECT Schlieffenstraße 9; DE-26123 Oldenburg

DATES OF THE YOUTH EXCHANGE From 24.6.2017 Till 3.7.2017

Proyecto intercambios Alemania

The goals of the project are:

1) Participants will learn more about the social groups such with different nationalities, different religious beliefs, and social orientation etc. through different methods of non-formal youth work (workshops, simulation games, debates, presentations).

2) Participants will learn the communication tools such as social media, news (films) and newspapers articles to learn the media literacy as well as promotion and informing the local community about the current issues. The results of the youth exchange will be newsletter in all languages of the participants with professional articles, photos, and additional newspaper elements, one at least 10 minutes long TV news report and some other social media releases (Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat etc.)

3) Participants will reflect the learning methods (with the Learning Diaries) and disseminate results in their organisations by following the Dissemination plan.

Project will have a learning part, learning more about the tolerance, discrimination and racism by meeting people, whose faced discrimination or work in the institutions for combating discrimination, to make simulation games and to create platform for debates about this issue. Second part of the project we will use to use the emotions and the knowledge to express the stories in the newsletters, social media, and TV news, learning about the media literacy.

Project consists of 5 partners. Each partner will be joining us with 10 participants (9 young participants and 1 leader). Results of the project are FILM to be uploaded to YouTube channel and promoted online by all partners as well as to make a premiere in their local organisations. The second result is the NEWSLETTER which will be translated in all the languages of the participants and to be distributed in the local communities.

Leaders should have experience in the youth work, should be aware of the topic of the youth exchange and should be able to communicate in English well. In addition, the leaders should know the team well and should know the basis of how the Erasmus + programme.

Programa intercambio

Breakfast is served every day from 8.00 till 9.00.

Lunch is served every day from 12.30 till 13.30.

Dinner is served every day from 18.30 till 19.30.

National Briefings are set every day from 19.30 till 20.00.

Leaders Meetings are set every day from 20.00 till 20.30.


programa erasmus intercambio
programa erasmus intercambio

Practical arrangement

TRAVEL Partners can travel to Oldenburg by bus, train and/or plane (destination Bremen or Hamburg). The travel is rather simple, because we have a very well developed network of the local transport. Your final destination is JKA, Schlieffenstraße 9, DE-26123 Oldenburg – local bus number 323, direction Ohmstede (Line C/Main Train station Oldenburg).


Associacion Building Bridges, Spain 170 EUR

The necessary documents:

If all documents provided (original ticket, boarding passes….) the reimbursement will be done at the end of the project. If not, after the course, by bank transfer.

– If they will have return ticket in their own country. Ask them to buy while coming to the project.

– Taxis will not be reimbursement.

– We need your all receipts, tickets and boarding passes (for both ways). So when you are coming, keep them. After the project you should send us (scanned by email and originals by post) all the tickets and boarding passes of the travel back home.

– Insurance will be participants’ responsibility. We reccommend if you travel from Spain


The accommodation for the participants and leaders will be arranged in the International Jugend projktehaus (IJP), which has nine dormitories (6-8 bed room) and three single rooms. Participants will be allocated to the room before they come, so we maintain the international rooms and we separate girls from boys. Participants will use three joint bathrooms. They don`t need to bring beddings (sheets and covers), but they should bring their own towels.


The IJP has its own chef and guarantees a full board throughout the implementation period. Breakfasts will be served every day from 8.00 till 9.00, lunches from 12.30 till 13.30 and dinners from 18.30 till 19.30. There will be coffee breaks during the morning session and the during the afternoon session. We do have a chef, but the cleaning of the dishes after every meal will be done by participants of the youth exchange. We will make a schedule and each participant will be cleaning the dishes twice or three times during the entire youth exchange. In case of additional hunger, there is a REWE store opened every day (except Sundays) till 24.00 just 10 minutes away from our house. There is also a doctor, a pharmacy and a bank in the same building. The nearest Western Union is at the main Post office in the Central Train station (25 minutes’ walk). The centre of the town is 25 minutes’ walk from our premise. We will arrange the accident and liability insurance for all participants, but make sure you arrange your own health insurance. ACTIVITIES Activities will be held in all three working rooms of the building and/or the big meadow outside the premise. These rooms are free to use during the whole time, unless some other groups are using it during the youth exchange.


There is strict no underage drinking and no smoking policy not only in the house, but also in Germany. We want our youth exchange also to be alcohol free youth exchange, because of the rules of the programme and because there are some minors always participating in the youth exchange. Please do talk about this issue with your participants. Our house is situated directly in the settlement, surrounded with other inhabitants. We have an agreement with them not to make any noise outside the house after 22.00.

Learning outcomes

Since one of the aims of the project is to introduce participants with the Youthpass certificate, we plan to define learning outcomes through the 8 key competences of Lifelong learning. Communication in mother tongue Each participating organisation will organise debate on the tolerance in the preparation phase.

We believe participants will be expressing ideas and opinions which they haven`t expressed before. In the debate of the preparation participants will learn how to share their opinions in the respectful way and how to listen actively, because they will be expected to give response. We also plan to make national reflection groups during the youth exchange also giving opportunities to express their feelings in their national language. Newsletters will be translated in all the languages of the participants (even outside the national language) and the participants can learn the complexity of their language while translating.

Communication in foreign languages

The official language of the youth exchange is English. Some of the participant will experience international youth exchange for the first time. Since there will be daily international cooperation we can assume that participants will learn some new expressions outside the English language as well. We hope participants acquire self-confidence in speaking foreign language, especially because there will be more partners which will give them perfect opportunities to learn many new languages and to learn about the diversity of the EU. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Participants will learn how to work together also on the organising the kitchen. They will be in charge of cleaning the kitchen after every meal. That will give them new competence in solving problems. Another activity with potential learning impact is the research about the human rights. They will learn how to do the date research and evaluating data.

Digital competence

One of the results of the project is making film for the TV news. Participants will learn how to set the cameras and how to edit and how to make post production. There will also be a team which will be making photos and they will learn how to use the photo camera and editing. Newsletter team will make designs of the newsletter – therefore they will learn the graphic design a bit. Learning to learn Participants will be involved in daily reflection which will help them learn about the learning process and their own abilities to understand and learn (do they prefer international learning field or do they prefer the national environment?

Do they like the group interaction or do they prefer individual reflection?). They will learn how to set aims for one-self, while being a part of team and during the working process. The evaluation of the project will also help participants to evaluate what they have learnt; how will they be able to use that in their future lives and with knowledge from before did they use in this project. Social and civic competences Working and living in the multicultural environment will give participants possibilities to learn the values of the European citizenship such as tolerance and inclusion. Working with participants with fewer opportunities will enhance their feeling of tolerance and empathy each person should develop to be effective member of society. Participants will be working in the teams and learn how to solve problems, how to actively listen, hot to understand the process of cooperation.

Doing research and having debates on the civil activities, participants will learn about the political background, the system of the country, they will find their place in the society and will learn that democracy doesn`t mean just rights, but also responsibility to address the errors in the democracy. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Our project is set for everyone to be an active part in it. All participants and leaders will be working as a big team, so everyone can learn the importance of the team work and co-dependence and responsibilities for the common project.


Participants will also be creative in executing their project activities and the results of the project. Cultural awareness and expression Our project offers possibilities for everyone to learn and reflect more about their own culture as well as the cultures of other participants. The intercultural events will be done specifically for the participants of the youth exchange and will produce the learning possibilities for cultural and political background, new traditions, and values. This project will offer a lot of possibilities for expression. Participants will be able to express their thoughts through the writing.


How to prepare

 Provide your colleagues with food products and drinks from your country for the Intercultural night that will take place on Tuesday evening.

 Bring some information and material about your organisation, culture and general aspects of the culture that are typical characteristic of the area you belong to.

 Bring your ideas, questions, energy and motivation to create fruitful discussions and actively participate in this project.

Expectativas intercambios Alemania

The participants are expected to attend the whole duration of the project and participate in all activities. If an emergency happens and you need to be absent for a short time, the team should be informed in advance. Please use the free time for meeting friends. If you miss any part of the course only without a valid reason (illness or unforeseen grave circumstances) and without informing the team and/or if you cause major problems for the team and or the participant group, the team will have to take measures going from partial refunding of the tuition, travel expenses, board and lodging by the participant up to exclusion from the course in extreme situations.

Please note that during the course the team have the authority to take decisions in a day-to-day life as well as the arrangement of the programme.

Proceso selección para intercambios Alemania

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to with subject «E Germany Murn«. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject «YE Germany Murn«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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