Trabaja en guarderías de Polonia (Wroclaw) con el Servicio Voluntario Europeo


Plaza Servicio Voluntario Europeo “Discover with us the Secret Garden”

Group EVS project will be developed in the Kindergarten nr 2 from Wroclaw “The Secret Garden” 

Dates and Participants

3 volunteers from different countries will work during 12 months (activity starts 01.03.2015 finish 29.02.2016).

Description of Hosting Organization:

Kindergarten No. 2 Tajemniczy Ogród – The Secret Garden, was founded in 20.10.1945 (one of the oldest in post II War Wroclaw) is an educational institution conducting educational, teaching and caring activities. The main objectives of our work is determined by Basics of Preschool Education Program. (created by Polish Ministry of National Education).

First and foremost, our kindergarten provides children the opportunity to have common fun and learn in terms of safe, friendly and suited to their development needs.

Pupils of our kindergarten are children aged 3-5 years. In kindergarten are 3 groups of 25 children: 3 year olds «Gnomes», 4 year olds «Gardeners», 5-6 years olds «Pathfinders». Each group has not only its own name, but also its own anthem, the group codex and intra-group rituals. Kindergarten has its own logo and main anthem as well.

Qualified staff constantly excelling and expanding knowledge in the various trainings, workshops, courses. All teachers completed the course and second level of educational kinesiology, the course of the methods of play pedagogy KLANZA, the rate of activation methods and cooperation with parents. Thanks to this are implemented innovative ways of working with the child, activating their creative approach.

Operating personnel are persons open, child-friendly and willing to participate in the implementation of joint projects. We are pleased that our work is appreciated by parents, brings a lot of joy to children, and us satisfaction and encouragement for further action.

Main areas of work:

– provide children with optimal adaptation

– development of key skills,

– triggering the creative potential of pupils,

– development of pro-environmental attitudes,

– health education;

– theater education;

– effective collaboration with parents.

Extra activities:

– speech therapy

– physiotherapy

– religion lessons

– English language

– rhythmicity

– art / sculpture

– dance

Kindergarten employs nineteen people including five pre-school teachers, speech therapist, corrective gymnastics teacher.

In working with the volunteers will be mainly engaged kindergarten teachers, who have higher pedagogical education, basic knowledge of child psychology, methodological and substantive preparation to conduct educational activities, education and care of children of preschool age. The Director of Kindergarten will be main responsible for work and conflict solving and in each group there will be person responsible for giving task to the volunteers and organizing work in cooperation with them. Mentor will be selected among the parents of our pupils or employees of the organization coordinating the project. This will be person able to communicate in English with volunteers and with experience in providing individual support.

Organization coordinating our project will be experienced, realizing from six years European Voluntary Service, the Foundation for Social Integration Prom from Wroclaw (PIC nr 949066722 , accreditation nr 2014-1-PL01-KA110-003728) www.

Project context:

The project will be fulfilled in Wroclaw /,, Poland, in the historic district Sępolno under conservation protection, in Kindergarten No. 2 Tajemniczy Ogród – The Secret Garden. Kindergarten No. 2 is a small, intimate facility, so well known to the children, parents and the entire staff. We have 3 play rooms – one for each group, and a separate room for extra-curricular activities. An important advantage of the kindergarten is a large, beautifully wooded garden. There are specimens of trees such as oak, spruce, pine, birch, maple, ash, and most of them have over 100 years. In addition to the trees grow a lot of ornamental shrubs that create a true oasis of greenery, moreover, protects children from air pollution, noise, and the scorching sun. We are lovers of our garden and nature in general, we belong to the Nature Protection League. This turn on the various actions on the environment (e.g. cleaning of the world, the collection of recyclable materials, planting trees, nature competitions, excursions).

Description of activities: 1. Support for the activities of care – help in self-activities to young children / like dressing up, feeding, co-creating a sense of security /;

2. Making teaching aids for classes according to their own ideas and according to the suggestions of working teachers;

3. Help in improving the aesthetics of our kindergarten: making commemorative decoration, organizing decor of rooms and the hall – independently and in collaboration with the staff;

4. Works in the garden – raking leaves, snow removal, hedge trimming, painting and renovation of garden equipment in cooperation with the gardener;

5. Organization of games and activities outside – self-creativity and self-organization; 6. Creating art workshops / different art techniques, modeling of various materials: clay, papier-mâché (paper pulp), salt dough etc. – self-activities (only by volunteer); 7. Creating dance workshops – teaching European dances, games and plays with music – self activities (independent activity);

8. Teaching foreign language – adequately to the competencies and origin of volunteer – independent activity.

Activities with children will be able to perform throughout the whole day, beside of time provided for the implementation of educational activities (determined by Preschool Education Program by Polish Ministry of National Education) that working teachers are obligated to follow, mostly between the hours of 9 – 11 am. During this time will be necessary support.

Typical volunteer day:

8:30 Breakfast with children

9:00- 10:00 Help teachers conduct educational classes

10:00-11:30 Organizing outdoor or indoor games / time for spontaneous fun

11:30-12:10 Lunch time

12:30-14:00 Different activities (relaxation, reading, music listening, dance, art, languages, games in the garden)

14:00 Afternoon Snack time

14:30-15:30 Organizing outdoor or indoor games/ time for spontaneous fun

By participating in the EVS volunteers will increase their language skills (learn the basics of the Polish language, deepen the knowledge of the English), interpersonal and inter-cultural, this will help them in the future to participate in an active and effective way in working life and society will learn how to work in group and resolve conflicts if necessary. They will be more flexible and easier for them to adapt to changes in the environment after such a long stay in foreign country. They will be able to understand better and accept cultural differences. In addition, they can learn many interesting ways to work with little children from kindergarten, they will understand better development process and needs of pre-school child. They will get acquainted closer with Polish educational system. Remaining in a foreign country, the new conditions of life will motivate them to make their own decisions. Self-organizing activities, they will learn how to plan and manage time, finances. Through regular meetings with the mentor and analysis of progress they realize the most effective way for them to learn.

Language support:

Employees of Kindergarten speak little English so the volunteers from the beginning of their stay will be motivated to learn Polish language. Polish language classes will be held four hours per week by the language teacher special employed for that purpose.


Volunteers will live in the shared student flat with students or with other EVS volunteers, who work in other organizations in Wroclaw. Internet and all necessary equipment will be there.


Volunteers at the beginning of every month will receive additional money for food.

During the work in kindergarten will eat breakfast, lunch and snack together with kids.

Local transport:

Volunteers will have taken a monthly Urban Card entitled to travel by all normal buses and trams, also night and fast lines through the whole Wroclaw.

Volunteers profile:

We would like to host:

– people with a basic knowledge of Polish (if this will be possible) due to staff of the kindergarten speak very poor English – holding a medical examination (necessary to work with little children in kindergarten);

– people who are motivated to go abroad for a longer period of time;

– people who are creative and imaginative;

– people with positive attitude, open-minded and honestly,

– flexible, friendly, helpful,

– responsible and trustworthy,

– punctual;

– people who want to learn foreign languages;

Volunteers are not obligatory to have special qualifications to work with children, but experience in that field will be essential. The volunteer should have basic knowledge of the development needs of preschool-aged children, should be able to establish positive relationships with children and adults. They can have any interesting hobbies, for example: sport, art, dance or theatre, circus skills, playing instrument or singing due to the fact, that those kinds of classes are very popular and appreciated among our pupils. Manual and computer skills will be very useful in helping teachers. Good organizational skill are important due to plan and lead own activities, support important events in kindergarten.  If you want to take part of our EVS please write your CV (with picture!) and motivation letter in English and questionnaire attached to «» with subject «EVS Poland kindergarten».  Please put your name and country on each file you send !!!  

Deadline to send application for volunteer is 23th January 2015 (cv with picture!, motivation letter and questionnaire attached). 

Otra info

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