Intercambio juvenil en Rumanía para jóvenes emprendedores


5 becas erasmus+ para intercambios juveniles en Rumanía sobre emprendizaje para jóvenes. Todos los gastos de transporte, alojamiento y manutención están cubiertos durante las actividades.



Venue and dates:

BUSTENI , ROMANIA –2-11 november 2016

Arrival day : 2 november 2016 ; Departure day : 11 november 2016

Partnership :45 persons from 8 organizations from 8 countries


This training course will be taking an all embracing look at the concept of ‘Sustainability.’

It will explore the topic of environmental sustainability and how it can be deepened and fostered by integrating it with the related concepts of economic, social and personal sustainability.

The course will use non-formal educational methods. It will include site visits to NGOs working with cutting-edge sustainability concepts and offer opportunities to experience sustainable practices directly. It will take place in the organic and beautiful natural surroundings of the Hosting organisation Centre in the Forest of Dean. The training will take place from 8 Themes addressed include the following:

 Co-creating spaces of natural beauty to learn and live

 Using nature as a therapeutic and educational tool

 Envisioning a sustainable future

 Living in harmony with the natural environment

 Connecting to the rhythms and cycles of nature as the basis of community

‘Biodynamics,’ the particular form of organic agriculture used at the hosting organisation centre, will be used as a case study of an integrated approach to sustainable living.

Number of participants:

Every group should prepare 4 youngsters 17-25 years old plus one group leader over 18 years old ; recommended that participants have good english skills .Each group should have 2 youngsters UNEMPLOYED

From Spain only Building Bridges members will come.

Accomodation and practicalities:

Pensiunea Cristina Busteni – in rooms of 2 ,3 pax with private bathroom ,

Food will be served at the restaurant of the pension and there will be 3 meals every day and some coffee breaks.

Please send us your special needs concerning food : no pork , no meat , vegetarian or any allergies .

Smoking and alcohol : We do not encourage drinking and smoking , but if you want to do it ,do it responable. It is forbidden to smoke or drink inside your rooms and activities places.

Drugs As we had some bad experiences with using drugs , we aware you that is completely forbidden to use any kind of drugs.

Activities : will be in the same place in different rooms and on the terrasse if weather is good.Some of the activities will be outdoor.

Facilities and visits: pension is 15 minutes waliking from city center where you can find almost everything : shops,pharmacy,banks,restaurants etc.

We ‘ll visit Bran , Brasov ,Sinaia and Busteni – see the programe. Any other optional visits will be discussed on the spot.

Weather  is unpredictable in november in the mountains.Average temperature is around 10-15 degrees but can be colder , warmer or even raining.So be prepared with warm clothes.We’ll keep you updated

Transport For those arriving in Bucharest Otopeni there is a bus 780 EXPRES that runs almost every 20 minutes from 5 am till 11pm. You can find signs in the airport to reach bus station.The ticket is 8.6 lei (2 euros ) a round trip card , that you have to validate when you step in the bus. The bus goes directly to train station – GARA DE NORD and takes depending on the traffic 45-60 minutes .There is also train from Otopeni airport to GARA DE NORD every hour.

In the train station GARA DE NORD you can easily find the ticket office and buy your tickets.Normally you can pay by card in train station , but anyway there are bankomats. We suggest to ask for round trip ticket BUCHAREST-BUSTENI – BUCHAREST – there is cheaper and then in Busteni you’ll have to buy only the seat for return toBucharest.The trip is around 2 hours .We’ll wait for you in Busteni train station,inside.

As you’ll get in the train in Bucharest we’ll ask you to send us an sms with the time of arrival.

If more groups arrive at close times we can arrange a minibus for transfer direct to location – in this case the cost depends of number of travelers and can be around 15 – 20/person one way .

Summary of the project :

“ First steps to enter in the entrepreneurship world “ is a youth exchange that will happen in 2-11 november 2016 in Busteni ,Romania with 45 participants from 8 countries : Italy,Bulgaria,Greece,Spain,Latvia,Lithuania,r…..and Romania and will include 18 youngsters with fewer opportunities ( 16 unemployed and 2 poor )

The context is in Europe with a great rate of unemployment that isolated the youngsters and they are not eager to start private initiatives.

The aim of the project is to stimulate the entrepreneurship amongst youngsters and to develop competences for create,develop and promote private initiatives

The objectives foreseen are :

-to stimulate creativity,youth initiatives and entrepreneurship and develop competences for private business

-to rise active participation of youngsters in social life and in business sector and to include unemployed youngsters in mobility projects for developing of entrepreneurship competences

-to aware about importance of diminuate unemployment and provide youngsters a better access on labour market according to their competences

-to familiarize youngsters with specific activities of a real company and business sector and increase competences for create a business plan

-to encourage ideas and practice exchanges to increase cooperation between youngsters in europe

The activities forseen are for preparation,introduction and getting to know eachother,trust and team building,presentation of participants and organizations,introduction of Erasmus + programme and youthpass certificate,cultural and study visits in surroundings and in Brasov,intercultural evenings,workshops about how to create a business plan,daily ,midterm and final reflection-evaluations,dissemination and exploitation of results.Besides there will be transversal activities for visibility,management and monitorizing.

The methodology will be based on nonformal education and will consist in games ,presentations,debates,role plays and simulations .

Main results of the project will be gathered in a brochure „ First Steps „ and on a DVD that will consists in final products,information matherials and educational kits .The dissemination will be done by all participants and partners through internet,media and social networks having as main result a blog created by youngsters


Please find enclosed our timetable for activities.

Please post announcements about the project on your websites,blogs or any other platform and send us some print screens or copies

What should you prepare :

– a presentation about unemployment and entrepreneurship solution in each country

– for intercultural evening please bring traditional products from your country or region- food and drinks – and also prepare to show us a dance and to sing a song .any other aspect to promote your culture is welcome : leaflets,photos.flag.videos etc.

Be also prepare to promote another country in a creative way using multimedia or drama or other methods but try not to copy/paste from internet .Do something personal !!

Estonia will promote Lithuania

Lithuania will promote Spain

Spain will promote Bulgaria

Bulgaria will promote Latvia

Latvia will promote Romania

Romania will promote Greece

Greece will promote Italy

Italy will promote Estonia

-you can be prepared to propose games , energizers,activities for free time or for our workshops

-if you had projects connected with the topic , bring with you good practice examples : leaflets,videos ,photos.

Reimbursment :

In order to get the travel costs back we need :

– All tickets and invoices in original.if you need local transport in your country try to buy return tickets.

– The payment confirmation for flight tickets : receipt if you paid cash or bank movement document if you paid by bank transfer or credit card..

– BOARDING PASSES compulsory – keep them as without them you don’t have your money back

– Take only APEX flights ( no business class ) and only 2 nd class trains.

– TAXI costs are not eligible

– Be sure to have price and data on bus and train tickets,also on airplane tickets.If not , ask for receipts or invoices.

The reimbursement will be in accordance with distance calculator for the maximum amounts approved in application and will be done after the project when we’ll receive all documents.There will be one transfer for every country.

Maximum approved travel costs

Estonia, Latvia ,Lithuania,Greece,Italy – maximum 170 euro/participant

Spain – maximum 270 euros /participant

Bulgaria- 80 euros/participant

There will be a participation contribution of 25 euros/participant to be paid on location

Other practicalities :

Currency : 1 euro = 4.50 lei ( RON ).There are banks and bankomats in airports , in train station,in Busteni.In a lot of locations you can pay by credit card.

Prices : coffee,beer,juice in shops are around 50 cents , in restaurants around 1 -1 ,5 euros.

The hour in Romania is GMT + 2.

For persons that want to spend some days in Bucharest or elsewhere we can help you recommended hostels or attractions.just ask !!

Beware of pick pockets in buses , metro and crowded places. Don’t accept gifts and don’t talk to strangers that ask to sign something or to help them – most of them are cheaters.

Don’y pay attention to street dogs – they are everywhere but most of them are friendly.

Selection process

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your CV , application form and motivation letter to with subject “Exchange Tolea Romania.YOURNAME.YOUR SURNAME“.. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “Exchange Tolea Romania .YOURNAME.YOUR SURNAME“.

[button color=»orange2″ link=»» size=»bigger»]Application form[/button]

[button color=»green2″ link=»» size=»bigger»]Application form[/button]

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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  • Mrt
    3 octubre, 2016 at 1:51 pm

    ¿Todavía hay plazas para solicitar este proyecto? ¿y se podría solicitar más de un proyecto a la vez si no coinciden sus fechas? Gracias

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