Becas para curso de formación sobre deportes en Lituania


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TC “Ready, Steady, Sport!”


24-31 july


Druskininkai, Lithuania


3 participants from Building Bridges Association

Course description:

Ready, Steady, Sport! is a training course which aims to bring together youth (age limit: 18-30) 24 participants from Lithuania, Romania, Denmark, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain and Turkey in order to learn about sport as a tool for non-formal education and youth work.

Learning processes: Debriefings and sharing, dialogue groups, presentations, explanations, simulations, real sport activities.

YOUR TRAINER WILL BE Razvan Bondalici. He is a project manager/coordinator in STEP NGO and freelance trainer. He had the chance to put practice what he loves by facilitating local, national and international events (events, trainings, conferences), mainly in relation to youth, social inclusion, sport and culture, always using methods of non-formal education.


WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE TRAINING? TC will spotlight sport as an educational dimension, which plays a social, cultural and relaxation role. Throughout the designed activities, the trainers will demonstrate the importance of Sport in informal, non formal and formal educational context.

– raise knowledge and gain new experiences and skills in sport and outdoor activities as tools

– clarify the challenges of Sport as a tool for education in regards to content and methodology

– to improve the intercultural, non formal and informal learning process resulting in a wider impact on the local community;

– create a network of professionals (youth leaders, social workers and trainers) who work with young people with fewer opportunities that could use in their work the developed tools,

–  to start designing new Erasmus Plus projects raising awareness on personal, social and professional development during training

– to cultivate intercultural learning and work in international environment

– to encourage cultural exchange and sharing

– enable to use sport as an educational tool to be used in non-formal education contexts

– deepen participant’s presentation and performing skills

–  train them to become initiators and organizers of future sport activities

Accommodation, meal and transportation

The accommodation and meal costs are 100% supported by the applicant organization, and the transportation is supported under the rules of Erasmus+ Programme.

Travel costs

All traveling, accommodation, catering costs are covered by the Erasmus + Programme. For other expenses (souvenirs, extra food, skiing arena, aqua park etc) each participant should bring money as much as he/she thinks will be needed.

Arrivals and departures

 You will arrive with your group coordinator to Vilnius Airport or Bus station. About arriving to the TC venue in Druskininkai we will inform later depending on your arrival times.

Spain 360€ return ticket

What to bring?

Clothing July in Lithuania is usually very warm, but the whether might be unpredictable and nights might be cooler, therefore, we advise you to bring one or 2 warmer pieces of clothing and a raincoat. We will have sport activities, so please bring comfortable clothes and sport shoes. • House shoes, to feel more comfortable and keep it clean in the training room. • Training centre has sauna, also lakes are next to the venue, so if you will be up for sauna and swimming, bring swimming suit with you! • If you take any special medicaments, please take them with and inform us. • Make sure you have necessary documents: Passport or other official ID Health insurance • Music, pictures, drinks and food that you consider representative for your culture for the international evening. • Good mood and creativity. • Computer and camera if you have and can bring it


Druskininkai is a small resort with 14 000 inhabitants in south of Lithuania. It’s one of the most famous resorts in Lithuania and neighboring countries, known for its health facilities, nature and mineral waters; therefore it was chosen as it perfectly matches project’s aims. In Druskininkai you’ll find various activities like skiing arena, Aqua Park, tree tops Adventure Park and many more. More about the city: Project’s venue “Sovulo” is a cozy guest house, situated 10 minutes from the Druskininkai city center, with a back yard and lakes around, you can check more about the place online:

Working language

All activities will be in English, however we are hoping you will teach your language the others!



• Please prepare short presentation about your sending organization. We are just curious what you actually do.

• Each of you must bring good/bad cases about sport events in youth work. This will be needed for workshops.

Selection process

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to with subject «TC Lithuania«. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “TC Lithuania“.

Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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