Curso Erasmus+ sobre adolescencia para trabajadores juveniles, profesores y/o activistas


Becas Erasmus+ para miembros de Building Bridges para este curso Erasmus+ con todos los gastos pagados de alojamiento, manutención y viaje durante las actividades


Suceava, Romania


7 days without travel: 4 – 10 October 2015


3 Youth workers, civil society activists, teachers, parents  from Building Bridges Association.

Total number of countries: 10 Total number of participants: 30; 2 of them are trainers


Main goal:

The youth workers will find out and create alternative solutions for diminishing the teenagers’ critical problems. The course starts on 4 October in the morning and ends at 10 October in the evening. You will receive the detailed programme closer to the course.


All the participants are kindly asked to perform the following tasks before the course:

1. Prepare a short presentation (5-7 minutes) of your organization and its activity

2. Prepare a short material – 5-7 minutes – (short essay, PP presentation, short movie, poster, whatever you want) about the teenagers’ problems in your organization/ city/country

3. Bring something specific from your country (national symbols, food, drinks) for our Intercultural Evening

4. Each organization with experience in youth projects will prepare an energizer. We will use these exercises in different moments of the course (you will be trainers too!)

5. Each organization will write down on a sheet of paper and multiply for all the 30 participants the words of a nice national traditional song (folk or not folk, doesn’t matter)

6. Bring good mood and strong motivation! 🙂

Working language

Working language: English


Accomodation information Venue: Vatra-Moldovitei, Suceava county, Romania. Address: comuna Vatra Moldovitei, sat Vatra Moldovitei, nr. 724b Mario’s pension***, situated in a very beautiful and peaceful region, in the mountains.

Participants will be accommodated 2-3 persons in a room with bathroom. The pension also offers free access to a covered swimming pool, a sauna, a fitness area, a billiard room. The surroundings are beautiful, so, if the weather will be fine, we will have many outdoors activities.

Other important information

Financial Conditions – 100% of accommodation and food will be covered from the project budget. – Travel costs up to limited amounts for countries according to program rules of Erasmus+ (360€ from Spain).


We will cover all costs related to accommodation, food and up to 170 Euros of your travel costs (cheapest way) from the resident country. 100% of visa costs will be reimbursed. Participants are obliged to keep receipts of the ticket, boarding pass and invoices of credit card that was used for buying the tickets for online payments.

Travel information

Vatra-Moldovitei is a village near Suceava, in the North-East of the country. Suceava has an airport but unfortunately now it is closed (it is being modernized). So the travel by train will be a little longer, but we assure you that it is worth spending this time. When you will arrive at Vatra-Moldovitei, you will forget you are tired and you will recover your forces in no time (maybe after jumping in the swimming pool!☺ ). As compensation, the train is much cheaper than the plane. This is what you should do: A. If you travel by plane: 1. Take the plane to Bucharest – round ticket. You have to arrive in Bucharest on 3 October, preferably before 4 am, but not later than 9 am, so as to catch a convenient train from Bucharest to Suceava. You can leave on the 11 October starting with 19.00-20.00 the soonest (we will leave VatraMoldovitei by bus at 07.00, we will arrive at Suceava at 08.00. The train from Suceava is at 08.46 and will arrive in Bucharest at 15.51. You need at least one hour to get to the airport and 2 hours for boarding. 2. Take a cab from the airport to Gara de Nord (Northern station). TAKE ONLY THE CABS ACREDITED BY THE AIRPORT! Ask the airport personal and they will tell you exactly where to go for accredited cabs. IT IS RISKY TO TAKE OTHER CABS (both for your personal security and from a financial point of view)!! The price will be approximately 25-30 lei (less than 7 euro). It takes approximately 30-45 minutes, depending on the traffic.

If somehow the driver asks for more money, you will urgently call me and I will talk to him. 3. From Bucharest Gara de Nord you will take one of the following trains to Suceava: – on 2 October; leaves Bucharest at 23.30 and arrives at Suceava on 3 October at 06.20. You may take a sleeping couch. – on 3 October; leaves Bucharest at 06.20 and arrives at Suceava on 3 October at 13.09. – on 3 October; leaves Bucharest at 11.00 and arrives at Suceava on 3 October at 17.55. From Suceava to Bucharest the train will be on 11 October, 08.46. You can buy tickets online. Here is the link and it has an English version: The price is the same all year long (94 lei = 21 euro one way, 42 euro round trip), so you don’t have to hurry. If you buy the tickets online, print them and take them with you. 4. When you arrive at Suceava we will wait for you at the railway station and take you all by bus to Vatra-Moldovitei. If most of you manage to arrive at Suceava with the second train, at 13.09, the bus will leave at about 14.00. If many of you will arrive at Suceava with the 3rd train, at 17.55, the bus will leave at about 19.00. It is preferably to travel with the second train, so we could leave Suceava at 14.00 and arrive at Vatra-Moldovitei at 15.00. The bus will also take us from Vatra-Moldovitei to Suceava on 11 October at 07.00. The travel by bus is 1 hour long and it costs 12 euro both ways. B. If you come by bus/ car: Here is a link so as to easily arrive at Suceava or Vatra-Moldovitei. If you need other directions, please let me know by email and I will give you all the necessary information. This is the information for those who want to arrive and leave quickly. If you want to spend a day or two in Bucharest or Suceava, you can rearrange your journey, but please take into account the trains and the bus schedules, so as to arrive on time. Reimbursement will be done as soon as you arrive on base of original travel documents (invoices, tickets, bills). Please make sure that you buy all your tickets both ways, because we cannot reimburse travel costs after the training course. PLEASE KEEP ALL YOUR TICKETS (PLANE, TRAIN, GAS RECEIPTS)! I NEED THEM IN ORDER TO GIVE YOU THE MONEY BACK! Your total travel expenses in Romania will be 7 euro (taxi) + 42 euro (train) + 12 euro (bus) = 61 euro

The meals

We will receive 3 meals a day, mostly traditional meals from Bukovina. I kindly ask you to let me know by email about all your special meals requests (vegetarians, interdiction of certain food etc.) Weather, clothes In October the weather is unpredictable. It can be warm, but also cold and rainy. It is better to have worm clothes, just in case. You will need sport clothes and shoes and a raining coat. Most of the activities will be outdoors. Don’t forget your bathing suit! The swimming pool is waiting for us! I will send you the weather prediction before you leave your home.


How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter with subject“TC Romania Arvis Adolescence. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME».

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english.

Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

Please fill the next questionnaire in order to apply for this exchange position:


    What do our participants say?

    [tabgroup][tab title=»Álvaro en Cerdeña»]Experiencia Sassari Erasmus+En el momento que vi en la web de Yes Europa la posibilidad de hacer con una beca Erasmus+ un Training Course sobre inclusión social, sostenibilidad y revitalización cultural y económica a través de la educación no formal no dudé y me apunté rápidamente. Tuve la suerte de que me confirmaron una plaza… Seguir leyendo[/tab][tab title=»Carlos e Isabel en su SVE social»]sve en irlandaHola! estamos en Irlanda en un proyecto SVE social con nuestro amigo Billy, al que cuidamos… Seguir leyendo[/tab][tab title=»Vídeo de Alejandro, SVE en Grecia»]sve greciaTe presentamos a nuestro voluntario SVE Alejandro Robles en Tesalonica (Grecia) durante su Servicio Voluntario Europeo en BALKANS (Tesalónica)… Seguir leyendo[/tab][tab title=»Fotos»]Mira las fotos de nuestros voluntarios en Madrid y Europa… Ver fotos[/tab][tab title=»María de SVE en Córcega»]sve en franciaCon el frío, Corsica se recoge hacia las montañas. Ya no hay turistas en la costa, los locales aprovecharon los… Seguir leyendo[/tab][tab title=»Alicia en Polonia»]Alicia de SVE en PoloniaHan pasado tres meses desde que empezó mi aventura de Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Polonia, mis días aquí son intensos… Seguir leyendo[/tab][tab title=»Luis con beca Erasmus+»]cursos erasmus+Me dirigí a Sassari para mi Training Course con becas Erasmus+ que ofrecen desde Building Bridges con cierto desconocimiento, puesto que yo siempre me he dedicado a la enseñanza formal, y no había experimentado previamente este tipo de encuentros. Dos personas por país, ocho países y un entorno con gran encanto, la ciudad sarda de Sassari.… Seguir leyendo[/tab][/tabgroup]


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